Gilas to plot next move as injury woes continue to hound World Cup prep

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  • Gilas Pilipinas coaches are set to sit down to map out the next move in the buildup for the 2023 FIBA World Cup when the contingent comes home from its three-week training camp in Europe.

Gilas Pilipinas coaches are set to sit down to map out the next move in the buildup for the 2023 FIBA World Cup when the contingent comes home from its three-week training camp in Europe.

(From left) Dwight Ramos, coach Chot Reyes and Scottie Thompson (FIBA Photo)

Head coach Chot Reyes said the team will take a brief break but will immediately plot the team’s next step, which would depend heavily on the gravity of the injuries of Dwight Ramos and Scottie Thompson, before going on to a trip to China for another series of pocket tournaments.

“They have to rest and then we have to evaluate and we have to sit down, us, coaching staff,” said Reyes.

“We have to take a look at the official medical prognosis of Scottie’s injury, get an MRI for Dwight’s knee as well because those are very important in the decisions that we have to make when we get back to Manila,” he added.

Although Gilas got some significant improvements during its trip to Estonia and Lithuania where they recorded a 3-3 slate in the series of tuneup games, a glaring cause of concern for Reyes is the health of his players.

Already depleted with RR Pogoy, Ray Parks, Jordan Heading and Calvin Oftana failing to make the trip due to injuries, Gilas just can’t catch a break with Thompson suffering from a metacarpal fracture on his shooting hand while Ramos also hurting his knee in one of the team’s games.

In all, that’s a total of six players on the sick bay for Gilas making the possible addition of players to the pool a viable option for the coaches. Even AJ Edu, who failed to see action in any of the tuneup games in Lithuania, is still recovering from an ankle injury.

Reyes had earlier stated that the pool is very much flexible and doesn't have any fixed number while the PBA, through commissioner Willie Marcial, has already expressed its willingness to lend more players to the national team.

The focus for now, however, is to ensure that the progress Gilas had in Europe would not go to waste as the team tries to keep sharp for the China trip.

“We will go back to work, we will go back to practicing in Manila and then trying to stay sharp. I think that’s the important thing,” said Reyes.

“As we continue to grow and develop from the lessons that we learn here to improve and prepare for the tough games in our China series where we are going to play full national teams.”