Bishops elect heads of episcopal commissions

Church leaders have elected the new heads of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines episcopal commissions on July 8, the first day of the  bi-annual 126th plenary assembly of the CBCP held in Kalibo, Aklan.

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Military Ordinariate Bishop Oscar Jaime Florencio was elected as the new chairman of the CBCP-Episcopal Commission on Prison Pastoral Care.

Archdiocese of Cebu Auxiliary  Bishop Midyphil Billones was elected as chairman of the Episcopal Office on Bioethics while San Fernando La Union Bishop Daniel Presto was chosen to head the Episcopal Commission on Catechesis and Catholic Education.

Batanes Bishop Danilo Ulep meanwhile was elected as chairman of the Episcopal Commission on Cultural Heritage of the Church.

Ilagan Bishop David William Antonio was also elected as chairman of the Episcopal Commission on Liturgy while Infanta Bishop Bernardino Cortez was chosen to head the CBCP-Episcopal Commission on Public Affairs.

As reported earlier, Kalookan Bishop Pablo Virgilio David and Pasig Bishop Mylo Hubert Vergara were given fresh terms as president and vice president respectively of the CBCP.

Kidapawan Bishop Jose Colin Bagaforo meanwhile was re-elected as chairman of the Episcopal Commission on Justice and Peace and president of Caritas Philippines.

The CBCP has 87 active bishops and three diocesan administrators serving in 86 dioceses, archdioceses, prelatures and vicariates with 43 honorary members. The bishops hold their plenary assembly twice a year in January and July.