Why 'Love the Philippines' is DOT's enhanced tourism campaign

Of seeking curated experiences, self-growth, and discovery through travel

The Department of Tourism (DOT) celebrated their 50th anniversary last June 27, 2023 at the Manila Hotel Tent City. "50 Ginto, Greater Innovations, New Tourism Opportunities" was a momentous occasion where most, if not all, of the former DOT secretaries were present to celebrate with the current administration. 

DOT secretaries at DOT 50th.jpgFrom left: Present with President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. And DOT Secretary Christina S. Frasco (center) are former DOT Secretaries Alberto Lim, Obet Pagdanganan, Richard Gordon, Wanda Teo Tulfo, Rafael Alunan III, siblings Reggie and Aida Aspiras representing Jose Aspiras, Vicente Carlos, and Gemma Cruz Araneta.

“Over the years, the Department of Tourism has institutionalized an industry that became a major driver of economic growth and global trade,” President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said in his speech. It was also that evening when President Marcos Jr. received a posthumous plaque of recognition on behalf of his late father, former President Marcos Sr. Not known to many, it was on May 11, 1973 when President Marcos Sr. announced a new cabinet level, Department of Tourism (DOT), under the Presidential Decree No. 189. 

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A posthumous plaque of recognition was given to President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. This is on behalf of his father, the late President Ferdinand E. Marcos Sr who announced a new cabinet-level, Department of Tourism (DOT), under the Presidential Decree No. 189 in May 1973.

Numbers are growing
DOT Secretary Christina Frasco reported on stage how the country is doing in terms of tourism revenues, sharing that the Philippines already has 2.62 million international visitors. Domestic trips of 102 million have resulted in P1.5 trillion in domestic tourism revenues, and 5.35 million Filipinos are employed in various tourism sectors within the country. 

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The 'changed traveler'
DDB Group Philippines’ Group Brand and Strategic Planning Director Marie Pascual presented some key points from their intensive research. They introduced the “changed traveler” who seeks curated experiences. “We see more specific tourism products and offers that are diverse and even more purposeful for many Gen Z travelers, in particular, being stuck at home in the last few years,” she reveals. Traveling to them is a way to find their purpose in life, for self-growth and self-discovery. 

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Love the Philippines
These interesting pieces of information led to the culminating part, where the “Love the Philippines” campaign was introduced. DOT Secretary Christina Frasco adds, “‘Love the Philippines’ goes to the very heart of every single Filipino with the distinct grace and hospitality with which we welcome every guest that comes into our communities and our homes. ‘Love the Philippines’ is a recognition of our natural assets, our long and storied history, our rich culture and diversity. There is so much more to the Philippines that the fun and adventure that we have, so far, articulated to the world.”

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The campaign videos showed the many reasons why we “love the Philippines,” some that are witty, some that tug our heart strings, some that will excite the viewers and entice them to book a trip to the Philippines. There really is so much to love about the country through discovering any of over 7,000 islands.  

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We are all influencers
President Marcos Jr. stated in his speech that Filipino hospitality is our unique characteristic and our greatest asset.  “I call on the entire Filipino nation to allow ourselves to be our country’s tourism ambassador. I enjoined you all to be our country’s promoters advocate and, if I may borrow a pointer in this age of social media, we are our country’s top influencers,” reminds the President. Because who better to spread the word about how beautiful our country is than every Filipino all over the world?