Marcos urges all gov't branches: Uphold FOI, transparency

At a glance

  • President Ferdinand 'Bongbong" Marcos Jr. called on all branches of government to uphold freedom of information in their operations.

  • He said this is "our best interest as a nation."

  • He also assured International Conference of Information Commissioners that the Philippines will continue to promote freedom of information.

President Ferdinand 'Bongbong" Marcos Jr. wants all branches of government to uphold freedom of information in their day-to-day operations, saying it is in the country's best interest.

President Ferdinand 'Bongbong' Marcos Jr. (Noel B. Pabalate)

Speaking before international information commissioners and ombudsmen during the  14th edition of the International Conference of Information Commissioners (ICIC) on Monday, June 19, Marcos said a whole-of-nation approach is needed to promote freedom of information, which, he said, is vital to good governance.

"At this juncture, I reiterate our call not only to the executive branch, but to all branches of government, to genuinely uphold and give effect to the people’s freedom of information in the course of our day-to-day operations, with good faith and with openness," Marcos said.

"Undeniably, this is to our best interest as a nation. It is a key to our pursuit of good governance, improved public services, and a more progressive and sustainable society," he added.

The President underscored that the People's Freedom of Information (FOI) Program in the country has promoted further transparency in government transactions and full accountability of officials, especially those in the executive branch.

He said "it has become a platform to facilitate efficient delivery of basic services to our people."

He also told the international community that the administration is  pressing forward in its efforts to promote the people’s twin rights to information and to good governance, which are the "very core" of the Philippine Development Plan for the next six years.

The chief executive further said that the FOI program serves as the basis for administration's E-Governance initiative, which advocates for the streamlining and digitalization of the key services of various government offices and local government units, and seeks to consolidate the access to information.

In his speech, Marcos also assured the ICIC that the Philippines will continue to promote freedom of information.

"With  a whole-of- nation approach, we will strive to maintain a government that is not only effective and efficient, but also transparent and accountable to our people," he said.