Missing dad: sharing fondest memories with their fathers

Six children talk about their special relationship

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It does not matter how recent or how long ago it has been, Father’s Day can bring bittersweet emotions for those whose dads have passed away. Just as the bond between father and child is incomparable, the fond memories shared between them are invaluable and are gems to be cherished forever. 

Six individuals talk about their relationship with their late dads, share their favorite moments with them, and remind everyone to treasure their fathers while they are still around.

Magellan Fatelano
A lot of Magellan’s firsts he got from his dad. From his very first game console, “family computer to PS1” quotes Magellan, to his very first car, “a 1999 Hyundai Elantra,” to his first beer, “San Mig Pale Pilsen with fresh lemon!” Because his dad was not so sporty, they would bond instead over music, movies, and their mutual appreciation for beer and whiskey.

The biggest lesson he learned from his dad was that “everyone has a story to tell.” That no matter the stature of any person, they must always be respected and deserve to be listened to. His dad shared this important lesson during one of their “doggie walks.” Magellan describes his dad as a “big dog and nature person.” As young as only five years old, he would walk with his dad to the tumana, a creek at the back of their house with his dad’s big bulldog, Rolex, just to get some fresh air. “Back in the ‘90s, there were still places like that in Cavite,” revealed Magellan. 

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Magellan with his dad Dennis

His father passed away last June 1 , 2023. Despite the ups and downs of life, Magellan says that his father truly “lived his life to the fullest,” and showed Magellan and those close to his dad how life can still be very beautiful. “I am glad that I took the time, precious time, to spend time and learn from him,” he added. 

Magellan’s message: “We all know how our time here is limited, so cherish every moment you have with your parents, learn from them, learn about their history, learn about their passions. It is by understanding them, that you may also have a better understanding of who you are. Just to wrap things up, a very beautiful quote I got from Dad, ‘Work hard, work smart, but remember to always take time to smell the flowers.’ Cheers!”

Diane Yap-Reyes
Diane refers to her dad as her “best friend,” she says “I could talk to him about anything, from love life to even vanity related topics.” The memories they share together are tightly etched in Diane’s heart, as she recalls the trips abroad that her dad would plan for their family so that they could explore the world.

Now that Diane is a mom, she has greater appreciation for the things her dad enabled her to experience. “I realized that it takes a lot of energy and financial preparation to be able to enjoy the luxury of traveling.” The enriching quality time Diane was able to spend with her siblings through those trips are priceless

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Diane with dad Jerry

If her father was still alive, Diane says she would love to tell him, “Papa, you’ll always be irreplaceable in my heart. No matter how much time we spent, I still wish we had more. I wish I was able to spoil you more too, because that’s what you deserve!”

Diane’s message: “To anyone reading this who has an amazing dad, our fathers will never be perfect, but if they’re still around… Make each day count and hug them as much as you can. Tell them every day you love them. Don’t let a petty argument waste a single day. Life is so frail, make each day count.”

Samantha Bernardo
As the unica hija (only daughter) of her father, she proud to be her father’s favorite! She remembers him as the “action speaks louder than words” kind of man. “He was strict, but he always showers us with love and compassion,” Samantha reminisced longingly.

He lets her have fun and enjoy simple moments when he can, such as when he let her ride on the motorcycle with him in the middle of the rain one Christmas when she was only ten years old. “We bought queso de bola for the holidays, and talked and ran like kids. We couldn’t stop laughing when mom saw us all wet from the rain.”

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Samantha with her dad, Isabelito or “Papa Tolits”, her mom Nora, and brother Aron

She also credits her dad for the successes she enjoys today, because it was him who encouraged her to join beauty pageants. “He always has the heart to put himself in other’s shoes,” which Samantha assumed is also probably why he used to be Purok President in her hometown in Palawan. “Even though he passed away seven years ago, the local people from my province continue to celebrate his birthday and death anniversary.” Samantha is touched and inspired by the legacy that he left behind.

Samantha’s message: “I can’t put more emphasis on this but: show your love to them every single day. We are always occupied growing up and battling our own priorities that we sometimes forget they are growing old too. My dad died from aneurysm, it was very sudden and unexpected. You will never know how important things are until they are out of our reach. Listen to them and always be grateful for the times you are with them, because there will come a time that those memories will be your forever motivation and guidance in your life.”

Quintin Calderon
As the youngest child and his dad’s only son, Quintin always had a close relationship with his dad even after his parents’ separation. “All my life, everyone would tell me I was his favorite and I felt it.” Quintin recalls going to Greenhills every Sunday when he was younger to buy NBA card—up until his dad’s passing,

Quintin mentions fondly, “Sundays were our day.” Whether it was eating out, going to church, watching movies, or bowling, they made it a point to spend Sunday together. He was so happy to have made his father proud when he became an engineer too, because that meant he could help his dad in their family’s construction company. However, when he became a pilot, he saw joy in his father’s eyes. Quintin says “’This is my son. He’s a pilot,’ was how he would introduce me to everyone we met.”

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Quintin with his dad Ramon

Quintin will never forget the blessing of his father joining him in a flight he piloted, just before he lost his dad. Nowadays, flying makes Quintin feel closer to him. “Being so high up, happily flying among the clouds, I always say hi to him. I know he’s watching over me, flying next to me and keeping me safe.”

There’s so many things to miss about his “happy go lucky” father, but truly what Quintin longs for the most is the sound of his laughter. “I can still hear it in my head,” no matter how corny or simple a joke may be, it was always enough to make his dad smile.

He shares a quick message for his father this Father’s Day, “Dad, we miss you so much. I wish you were here, especially now that I’m a dad too. I wish you could have met Seb. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure he knows you. I’ll follow in your footsteps. We love you, Dad.”

Quintin’s message: “To the millennials / Gen Z, I know it’s a different time now where being independent is something we value, but (and I know it’s a cliché) cherish the time you have with your dad.”

Jenny Ramp
Jenny says her dad’s memory serves as the sincerest reminder that “love exists even in life’s simple moments.” She yearns most for his “iconic group hugs,” where he would “engulf my mother and I for a group hug!” According to Jenny, he would freely give these out while their family was doing simple things like preparing dinner.

Her dad’s presence left a huge impact on Jenny, because he always did his best to support her in all her endeavors. “He believed in me and my capabilities, 100 percent!” 

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Jenny Ramp with her father John

Jenny’s message: “My message for everyone is to truly cherish the time you have with each other. All of these moments are the times you will look back on in the future and keep close dear to your heart.”

Alyana Asistio
Alyana would go to her dad for anything and everything. He was Alyana’s “go-to when I’m sad, angry, hurt and happy,” her best friend, and her comforter. “My dad was always the right person to share my [feelings] with.” 

He would express his love and celebrate her ups with her, while knowing exactly what to say to let her forget her pain and sadness when she was down. “That’s my ‘Dada’,” says Alyana endearingly, who she learned the true meaning of love and kindness from.

The best thing about her dad is his ability to make her appreciate the smallest things in life. Achievements that were either minute or great in nature were acknowledged regardless, in his household. It was also because of her dad’s unconditional love that Alyana learned how to love others better. “He made me realize my mom needed the same love that I’ve always wanted,” recognizing her mom’s role serving as both her father and mother since her dad passed away.

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Alyana with her dad Macario “Boy”

She shares a simple father’s day message for her dad, “I love you so much Dada! I miss you every single day. Please hug and kiss mommy in her dreams because she needs you right now. Hug your girls tight, always.”

Alyana’s message: ““Never take them for granted. Love them. Spend time with them. You might think that just physically being there is enough, it is not.” She implores passionately, “hug, love, and kiss them. Because one day you will realize it was never enough.”