CHITCHAT OVER COFFEE: A personal journey through the enchanting artworks of Cris Villanueva

At a glance

  • The unveiling of Cris Villanueva aka Krishnamurti's and six other artists' visions,  I found myself in front of a group of works that challenged preconceived notions of what art could be. Each of Krishnamurti's works served as an invitation to explore the depths of Filipino/Manileno history.


By Mari Zhar

I entered the colorful space of Cris Villanueva's most recent exhibit, "I AM MANILA," which was held at the Manila Clock Tower Museum, which by the way, would rather use his real name, Krishnamurti in the art world. I must admit that when I made my way to the top floor, I was immediately drawn into a realm of wonder and imagination. An aura of shared expectancy appeared to influence the space, which was buzzing with enthusiasm. I had no idea that I was about to embark on a deeply intimate adventure that would have a lasting impact on my soul.


The unveiling of Cris Villanueva aka Krishnamurti's and six other artists' visions,  I found myself in front of a group of works that challenged preconceived notions of what art could be. Each of Krishnamurti's works served as an invitation to explore the depths of Filipino/Manileno history. They were a symphony of earth tone, shape, and emotion. My two absolute favorites are "Ako at si Binibining Jones" and "Mga Liham Ng Maya," both of which were created using acrylic paint on canvas and measured 24 by 30 inches.  It was clear that every brushstroke and every curve had been infused with the artist's passion, and sensitivity from the very beginning to the very end.  There is a sense of visual harmony present.  The work of Krishnamurti, evidently,  covered a wide range of history, each with its own distinct way of re-telling the past. Each item had a voice and a song within the visual symphony of the Krishnamurti, starting with the textured, but clear acrylic strokes that seemed to read poetry from Dr Jose Rizal, reminded us of the fate of our hero while also whispering hidden stories how we came about to have that Jones Bridge.  The beautiful blending of words, textures, colors, and styles fascinated me.

I couldn't help but feel a mysterious link to the artworks also by R2 Tolentino as I walked around the top floor of the Manila Clock Tower. Intriguingly, R2's Nuestro Padre Jesus Nazareno and La Llegada had probed deeply into my own thoughts and experiences, transforming them into the canvas with an eerie comprehension. This international hairstylist is now proudly and gradually making a name for himself in the creative arts sector. It was nothing short of amazing how the artist managed to draw out a wide range of feelings from me with the use of color, muse, facial expressions, and other means. Silently, I laughed, I prayed, and I experienced an incredible amount of introspection. It reminded me of the countless occasions when I join the group that applauds and recognizes the value of maintaining one's religion.  Yes, even if this comes from my spiritual side, I realized how courageous he was to create works of art that forced him to push limits in order to maintain his own beliefs and artistic practices.

Marko Bello is another artist who has my attention this full time artist – though unlike Krishnamurti and R2 who wear different hats thru the day.  Oh, there's another chance to daydream there. I discovered myself slipping into a universe where dreams and reality were entwined in the middle of the I AM MANILA exhibit. The ethereal images of ladies by Marko Bello, with eyes swooshed by a powerful brushstroke, tempted me to venture beyond the boundaries of my imagination and to embrace the beauty of the unfamiliar.  A whisper of hope or a call for introspection, urging me to think about the complexity of life and the depth of the human experience, was interestingly delivered despite the fact that there were no eyes.  Yes, the eyes that were supposedly the storyteller of any artwork.  But no, Marko Bello – was able to create an avenue through his canvas – where feelings can be shown.


I unwillingly left the fascinating universe that these three incredible artists, including Krishnamurti, had created as the afternoon came to an end. I was deeply affected by the exhibition and developed a renewed appreciation for the ability of art to traverse boundaries and reach into the core of the human soul. I was moved by the opportunity to see artistic ability, and I was anxious to tell others about the compelling paths of these three of the seven individuals identified now as "The Young Masters of Tomorrow."  After having to see these artists' creations, I excitedly look forward to their future initiatives because I know they will continue to enthrall,l and inspire art enthusiasts all across the world.  

I AM MANILA | Manila Clock Tower Museum, the exhibits opened their doors last June 5, 2023 to July 28, 2023.