Ehrran Montoya marks the next chapter of his career with a chrysalis-inspired collection

‘[This is] a collective visual of my design aesthetic, perception in life, and the fusion of my artistic vision,’ the designer muses.

After unveiling his “Lepidoptera” and “Secrets of Metamorphosis,” Filipino fashion designer Ehrran Montoya continued to translate the spirit of transformation in the form of fashion with his latest capsule collection dubbed “Chrysalis.”


Ehrran Montoya and his 'Chrysalis' collection

Unveiled last May at the “Kaug Maon” fashion and charity event, the collection featured creations imbued with local textiles that look as if they were liquid metal. To make it happen, Ehrran commissioned indigenous silver fibers from Kalibo, Aklan, and played with them with his signature fabric manipulation. The result was a contemporary and romantic line that is poetic and dreamy, a collection that perfectly captured the beauty of transformation. 

“I used to think I knew how some caterpillars become butterflies. I assumed they weave cocoons, then sit inside growing six long legs, four wings, and so on. I figured if I were to cut open a cocoon, I'd find a butterfly-ish caterpillar, or a caterpillar-ish butterfly, depending on how far things had progressed,” the designer posted about his inspiration. “I was wrong. In fact, the first thing caterpillars do in their cocoons is shed their skin, leaving a soft, rubbery chrysalis.”

“This collection is a story of my past and present and represents the future,” Ehrran added. “A collective visual of my design aesthetic, perception in life, and the fusion of my artistic vision.”


Pieces from the 'Chrysalis' collection

Present on his runway show were his muses Lareeze Galvez, Kathleen Paton, Annabelle McDonnelle, and Maureen Montagne as well as KMC Solutions’ managing director Michael McCullough. Beyond depicting the change in the life cycle of a caterpillar, the collection also echoes the beauty and challenges of human life as people undergo change.

“If you've ever been through a major life transition, this may sound familiar. Humans do it, too, not physically but psychologically. All of us will experience metamorphosis several times during our lives, exchanging one identity for another,” he said. “Any transition serious enough to alter your definition of self will require not just small adjustments in your way of living and thinking but a full-on metamorphosis.”

“Kaug Maon” was a product of the Fashion Designers Alliance Manila and real estate solutions provider KMC Solutions. One of the highlights of the event was a fashion auction for KMC Cares Charity, which benefited A Child’s Dream Foundation, a non-profit that supports children in the autism spectrum and with learning disabilities. 

Check out Ehrran Montoya’s “Chrysalis” runway show below:

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