Here's how to earn points when you treat yourself

Here's how to earn points when you treat yourself

The term self-love doesn’t sound alien anymore. It is now an accepted practice, especially on how fast pace our lives are now. Taking a break for some “me time” is always a good idea, be it getting a foot spa or a massage, having your nails done, and just about anything that makes you feel good afterwards. 

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R2 Group of Exclusive Brands understands the importance of self-love. With a variety of personal care brands, Nail-a-holics, Ooh-la-lash, Hey Sugar, Happy Brows, and Ipanema—each of these self-care brands wanted to encourage their customers to continue taking care of themselves sans the loyalty card. This is by rewarding them with perks and benefits that can be tracked via the Self Love Club mobile application. Not only do customers earn points for every purchase made, they also get dibs on new offerings and deals. 

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Pre-official launch, it already has 4,000 active users nationwide in February 2023. The company is forecasting a growth of 16,000 active users per month. “Phase two of our Self Love Club journey will include more perks and benefits not just from the R2 personal care brands but more lifestyle partners that fit into the quest for a fun and empowering selfcare journey such as fitness brands, healthcare brands, fashion, etc. There will be community engagements, games within the app, launching of our e-commerce store, and many more exciting things ahead,” says Ms. Abby Borja, marketing director or R2 Group of Exclusive Brands, who is spearheading this program. “With the Self Love Club, you can easily begin the most important journey of your life—the journey to self-love. Because you cannot truly love others if you don’t know how to love yourself.”

For more information, please visit this link.