FUR LOVER! Scarlett Kramer on rescuing a stray puppy: ‘They don't deserve to be on the street'

At a glance

  • Recently, she "begged" her parents, as well as her brother Gavin, to adopt a stray dog.

At 11, Scarlett Kramer, daughter of celebrity couple Chesca Garcia and Doug Kramer, already knows what she wants.

Recently, she "begged" her parents, as well as her brother Gavin, to adopt a stray dog.

And this story was published in the family's recent online post.

"Scarlett rescued a stray dog. We are so amazed by her heart and compassion. Here is the story of Gracie," the caption on the Kramer's Facebook post read.

The video clip started with Chesca and Doug talking about being responsible fur parents.

“The only pet I truly, really, really, really loved, and I could say was really mine and became yours and loved you more was our dog named Frisky,” Cheska told her husband.

Then Doug said he had a German shepherd as the first pet, that he called princess.

Later, Scarlett joined her parents and shared her life-saving story.

“During the outreach, we saw a very cute dog. And this is our first time to do it and we saved it. So here is the dog... It was so cute and tiny. She was shivering. And the workers there were giving food and water and she looked so, like, scared. She’s very malnourished and her stomach was big,” the young social media darling recalled.

Chesca and Doug then asked their second child how she would react if they did not let them bring the stray puppy home.

“Not get mad but I’ll cry," she said. "I get awa every time I see dogs in the streets because they should be like, not like that. They don’t deserve to be in the streets and trying to look for food. They should be with a loving family.”

Scarlett also reiterated: “Dogs don’t deserve to be in the streets. We should always love them the way they should because they’re very sweet and they deserve your attention also.”

In the latter part of the clip, the couple surprised their kids by finally letting them meet and play with the “an undeserved gift” Gracie for the first time, now that the puppy is vaccinated and the skin disease is gone.

“Every time we go home, like every time I get the chance to go, I check on Gracie if she’s okay na. It took one to two months to let her get better, said excited Scarlett.

Meanwhile, Chesca and Doug ended the video with some messages to their followers.

“I love that having pets is teaching them responsibility... We would encourage you guys, if you want to save a pet, a cat or a dog, I think it’s going to do wonders for them. As you can see with Gracie, she’s very happy after how many months in quarantine and getting better, she’s now able to play with Scarlett," Doug noted.

Chesca added: “I’m so proud also of my children that they have that love for all animals. You know there’s no prejudice talaga with kids. So if you see a dog or a cat, don’t hesitate to help and to make them your pet because they need a home.”