Vatican approves establishment of a permanent diaconate in PH

The Vatican has approved a petition made by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines to establish a Permanent Diaconate in the country.

(Photo courtesy of the CBCP Facebook)

A letter from the Vatican’s Secretariat of State was sent to the CBCP instructing the bishops to coordinate with the Dicastery for the Clergy for the procedures involved in the establishment of permanent deacons.

“I am pleased to inform you that the Holy Father has granted your petition, and you are hereby requested to contact the Dicastery for the Clergy concerning all further matters pertaining to the establishment of the Permanent Diaconate,” read part of the letter which was signed by Archbishop Edgar Peña Parra, Substitute of the Secretariat of State.

The CBCP sent its petition to the Vatican on July 25. During their plenary assembly, the bishops agreed on the initiative that will help strengthen evangelization efforts and services particularly in far flung areas.

Pope Francis expressed his support and prayers for the success of the initiative that would benefit the local Church and the Catholic faithful.

For his part, CBCP president Kalookan Bishop Pablo Virgilio David said the presence of a permanent diaconate will help address the absence of priests in remote communities.

The Second Vatican Council defined the Permanent Diaconate as a proper and permanent rank of the hierarchy which may be granted to single or married men. The Permanent Deacon is an ordained member of the Church who has received the Sacrament of Holy Orders not as a priest but as someone who will assist the priest in serving the church.

The CBCP said the country has about 11,000 priests looking after the spiritual needs of more than 80 million Catholics in the Philippines