10 moms share best advice they learned from their moms

What our moms told us make sense when you become a mom

There’s no blueprint to becoming a mother. Yet as Gen Z and Millennials are slowly taking on their motherhood roles, they are starting to realize how much they may just be sounding like their mom.

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Truly, our mothers paved the way for the culture and life principles that we have come to abide by. And for many moms, the disciplining routines, strict commands, as well as words of advice and gentle reminders only start to make sense once they have also started a family of their own.

We asked 10 mothers share the best lessons they have picked up from their moms. 

“Be a fighter.” 
—Lei Hosseinzadeh Ang, mother of two to Brandon, 9 years old, and Kian, 6 years old
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Lei Hosseinzadeh Ang

“My mom taught me to be a fighter. This is one important trait that I practiced up until now, because moms tend to doubt ourselves a lot. Yet, we need to keep fighting. I make sure that my children inherit that strength too.”
Aside from the strength to persevere, Lei also says she learned about the love languages and the importance of acts of service from her mom.
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Lei with mother Veronica

“I’m thankful that I picked this up early from my mom, because I see how my family appreciates everything that I do for them. Just as my mom loves us unconditionally and selflessly, I do the same thing I do for my family.”

“Take it easy and enjoy every moment!” 
—Alynna Asistio Carbonell, mother to Ava Zafina, 6 months old
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Alynna's mom Nadia with granddaughter Zafina

“Everyday will be a learning experience and everyday you’ll get to know your child so don’t pressure yourself on being the best. Just take it easy and enjoy every moment you have with your child.”
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Alynna with mother Nadia

“Do not settle for anything less than you deserve.”
—She Nano, mom to Yuria, 1 year and 8 months old
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She Nano with her husband Duane, Yuri, and her mom Shirley

“My mom always tells me ‘do not settle for anything less than you deserve.’ She encouraged me to explore and spread my wings. Indeed it's true! I am now having the best time and a mom-life that I want.”

“Seek God first in everything.”
—Acel Bisa Van Ommen, mom of three to Tashi, 14, Yeshi 12, and Tenzi 6
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Acel Van Ommen with her three sons and husband Danny

“My mom showed me the value of praying and seeking God first in everything. It became my moral compass and helped me overcome the struggles I experienced when I was younger and still helps me today as a mom.” One of the Acel’s biggest struggles during her adolescent years was “entering into relationships without a clear direction of commitment and marriage,” she says.

But because of her mom’s guidance in instilling the fear of the Lord in me, she was able to say no to things that were not good for her wellbeing. “That led me to wait and pray for what God has for me. I want my children to learn that too— to look to God first and His word and not to lean on their own understanding.”

“Love and honor God, love others, and forgive those who have wronged you.”
—Jasmine O’ Connor, Mom of Mikayla, 12 years old
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Jasmine's mom Malou, brother Michael, and daughter Mikayla with Jasmine

Jasmine says these three key principles are the most important lessons she picked up from her mom. She says, “These principles encourage people to do what’s right, learn from their experiences, and become better versions of themselves. By following these principles, people can spread positivity and influence others.”

“Enjoy every moment and not feel pressured.” 
—Arra Castro Tan, mom to Ashley, 2 years old
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Arra's husband Wil, baby Ashley, and Arra

According to Arra, her mom always encourages her to ‘take it easy’ and not feel pressured. “And that’s what I am applying to my family now. For example with my daughter I prefer that she learns the formula and understands the problem, she enjoys rather than to get the perfect score, I don’t want them to feel pressured at all. Always tell them to enjoy every moment but know the precautions.”

“Be patient.” 
—Maria Ferica Medina Tolentino, mom to Clark Felix, 3 weeks old
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Ferica with her mom Marife

“My mother told me to be patient since being a new mom is not easy. Like any other vocation, it takes time and dedication to fully understand your new role. You have to be patient not only with the little human that you have just met, but you also have to be patient with yourself. There will be a lot of trials and errors along the way. But at the end of the day, there will always be new learnings that will help you become the best mother that you can be.”
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Ferica with newborn son Clark

“There’s always a rainbow after the rain.”
—Beatrice Lim, mom of two to Brythe, 3 years old) and Bouen, 1.5 years old
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Beatrice's family with her parents

Beatrice’s mom taught her that “There’s always a rainbow after the rain.” While hardships in life occur, these happen for a reason and “everything is just a phase.” Specifically, Beatrice notes that the rainbow is an “added bonus!” for when the rains pass, it’s the lessons you get from it too!”
“I’m glad I had both moms—my mom and my mother-in-law—guiding me through the toughest journey in my life so far, motherhood!”

“Spend as much time together as possible.” 
—Jean Agatha Uvero, mom to Andres, 2 years old
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Agatha with her son Andres

“My mom would make sure I would be part of her daily routine when I was younger. Whether it’s just running errands or doing work. I really appreciated that quality time. I also realized that children don’t need a lot of fancy toys or tools to have fun, most of the time they just want to feel seen and included. They have vivid imaginations and can use anything as a toy. It’s saved me a lot of pressure and money but at the same time it has also made my own days brighter. Seeing seemingly mundane routines through a child’s perspective is really a blessing.”

“Be self sustainable. Prayer works. Be a good listener.” 
—Kimberly B., mom of two to Summer, 1 year and 9 months old and Tobi, 3 months old
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Kimberly with her two children Summer and Tobi. Other phot:o Kimberly's mom with Tobi.

“You have to be self-sustainable and sufficient for and by yourself... always thank God for blessings, lift everything up to the Lord. Prayer works. One way to show someone you love them unconditionally is to be a good listener.”