Easter Sunday: Let’s celebrate a new beginning

The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, which we celebrate today, Easter Sunday, is a foundational belief in Christianity. Saint Paul says: “And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.” (1 Cor. 15:14)

To the Christian faithful, Easter symbolizes new beginnings and victory over death.  It signifies that through faith in Jesus Christ, believers can receive salvation.

Easter also marks the end of the Lenten season, when Christians focused on repentance and renewal as they prepare to celebrate the joyous occasion of Easter Sunday.

MB columnist Fr. Bel San Luis defines that fundamental belief in his homily: “Jesus, by his resurrection, is showing us that life is not a meaningless puzzle. His resurrection is that big piece in life's jigsaw puzzle that makes the whole picture make sense. In other words, our faith in God, our prayers, our striving to do good would all be useless if Christ had not risen from death.

“Easter is not just a remembrance or re-enactment of something that happened more than 2,000 years ago but is something present. The death of Christ, for example, should teach and induce us to die to our old self. Thus, the man who struggles to give up smoking, gambling and other vices exemplifies Christ’s rising to a new life.”

Easter as a symbol of a new beginning is perhaps the most relevant meaning of today for it touches on a very recent experience which had affected all of us – the pandemic. Many are stepping into “new beginnings.” Those who lost someone during the pandemic are learning to live without their loved ones. Those who have survived two years of anxiety and unpredictability are stepping into new ways of working (work-from-home), doing business (online), and meeting people (through online apps).

Many are starting a “new beginning” to the way they now value routine. After the pandemic kept us away from family and friends for two years, may we always make time to just sit and talk.

There is also a new beginning for appreciating the ordinary. They who we faced day-in-and-day-out during the long lockdowns are not ordinary people, they are family worthy of our concern, tolerance and understanding! Let not a busy schedule keep us away from the next family gathering.

Easter Sunday leads to one’s own “new beginning” – one that perhaps can start with an apology to be said, or forgiveness to be given.  In Calvary, Jesus was willing to forgive those who betrayed him and were responsible for His death. Jesus said: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots” (Luke 23:34).

Again, we borrow from Fr. Bel’s homily: “Like Christ, all of us have our own Calvary, our passion and death. But like the Redeemer, we too will know and feel the beauty, the joy of the Resurrection, if we but live it in His spirit.”

Another foundation of Easter that we commemorate today is hope.  “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope” (Romans 15:13).  Hope is a significant thought whose value in our lives is strengthened each time we celebrate Easter Sunday.

Happy Easter! May your faith be renewed by the small miracles that have brought you to celebrate Easter today.