Make each day Earth Day


Environment on my mind

Tomorrow, April 22, 2023 is Earth Day. It is dubbed as the “largest environmental movement” which seeks to engage governments, institutions, businesses, and all citizens of the world to do “something” for the planet. This year’s theme is “Invest in Our Planet.”

According to a statement from the organizer, Earthday.Org, we must come together again for the planet. “Businesses, governments, and civil society are equally responsible for taking action against the climate crisis and lighting the spark to accelerate change toward a green, prosperous, and equitable future. We must join together in our fight for the green revolution, and for the health of future generations. The time is now to ‘Invest In Our Planet.’”

It sounds repetitive but each one of us has a role to protect this planet. No matter how small our contribution may be, it matters, and if it’s done on a daily basis, it will have an impact. A simple lifestyle change can restore the health of the planet (and your health, too!) — walking instead of driving a car, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, bringing an eco-bag to the grocery instead of using a single-use plastic bag, etc. They say action speaks louder than words and this is true in the quest for a sustainable lifestyle. Your lips can say “protect the environment” but it’s your action that will be the most effective communication tool.

In my interactions with the people behind various eco organizations, the overarching message I got was that of “cooperation” — that no one person can do all the things. Governments all over the world must work together with NGOs; schools have to tie up with businesses; the media has to listen to the citizens, etc. In fact, this is what Earthday.Org has to say about this: “Governments, businesses, and citizens are essential in harnessing the revolutionary progress needed to save humanity from the climate crisis. Overcoming climate change is within reach if we work together to commit to action and invest in our planet and our collective future.”

Our government also has a big role to play. It must “incentivize citizens, businesses, and institutions to create and innovate, advancing the public’s interests and creating the framework for an equitable and sustainable global economic system.” Is this being done by our government? I am aware of such efforts but these have to be scaled up, boosted to the point that businesses are racing against each other to have the best plans, products, or systems that will benefit the planet.
Simply put, all of us are needed to save this planet. After all, the last time I checked, we only have one home.

In the spirit of Earth Day, allow me to use the words of Antonio Oposa Jr., environmental lawyer and the 2009 Ramon Magsaysay Awardee for his crusading work to protect forests and the Manila Bay. In a book introduction, he wrote: “We need to see our Earth as a spaceship hurtling through space. Water, air, and material must be used and reused ad infinitum because the supply is very limited, especially as it is supporting a population that is growing by orders of magnitude. Filipinos (have to be) reminded that all great changes start with the little ones. Someone once said that humanity does not need to be taught, it only needs to be reminded.”

May all of us have a happy Earth Day, not only this year, but also in the years to come!

(Johannes L. Chua is the editor of the Environment & Sustainability Section.)