Budget Secretary Amenah Pangandaman is MB’s newest columnist

At a glance

  • 'Beyond Budget' comes out every Wednesday in MB's Opinion Section

The Manila Bulletin welcomes Department of Budget and Management
(DBM) Secretary Amenah F. Pangandaman as its newest columnist in its Opinion
Titled “Beyond Budget”, Secretary Pangandaman’s column, which will
come out every Wednesday, aims to keep the public informed about the national
budget and the country’s economy, as well as its effect on households and
businesses, especially in this period of recovery.
It also aims to plant the seeds of inspiration amongst the youth
and the community as Pangandaman shares important learnings about her life,
career, and education, among others.
Seasoned by long years of work in government financial and
economic agencies, Pangandaman is a member of the economic team tasked to
ensure the attainment of the Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028.
Notably, she is the first Muslim woman Budget Secretary, and the only
female member of the Marcos Jr. administration's economic team.
She chairs the Development Budget Coordination Committee, which
developed the Medium-Term Fiscal Framework and 8-Point Socioeconomic Agenda—
the country’s roadmap to economic growth.
She likewise co-chairs the Intergovernmental Relations Body,
strengthening relations for lasting peace and economic development in the
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (BARMM).
"Thank you, Manila Bulletin, for the opportunity to have this
great platform that will keep DBM even closer to the Filipino people," Pangandaman
"There is so much to be done but there have also been gains —
both salient information that I would like to share with the public. Knowledge
is power and transparency disseminates accountability — so the people may know
what this government is doing,” Pangandaman added.
"At DBM we have made our own efforts in distributing
information to the broadest audience that we can. 'Beyond Budget' is a welcome
addition to our goal of a wider public engagement, understanding, and
participation,” she also said.