Only 990 kilos left to be declared from Manila drug haul after alleged pilferage by some PDEG cops

The 990 kilos of shabu that were seized in Manila operation in October last year turned out to be what was left of the alleged pilferage spree committed by some operatives of the Philippine National Police- Drug Enforcement Group (PDEG).

And Police Maj. Gen. Eliseo DC Cruz, director of the Directorate for Investigation and Detective Management (DIDM), pointed to Police Capt. Jonathan Sosongco as the one who appeared to be calling the shots based on the CCTV footage they obtained. 

“If we look at the video, it’s Capt. Sosongco because very obviously under his watch, these illegal activities were happening,” said Cruz in a press briefing at Camp Crame in Quezon City on Sunday, April 16.

Sosongco was the head of the arresting team that conducted the operation which resulted in the confiscation of the shabu and the arrest of Police Master Sgt. Rodolfo Mayo, Jr. inside a lending agency that the latter allegedly owns in Tondo, Manila.

Cruz held the press conference as the head of the Special Investigation Task Group (SITG) 990 which was created by PNP chief Gen. Rodolfo Azurin, Jr. after learning that some of the PDEG operatives stole kilos of shabu from the Manila drug haul. 

Initially, it was thought that 30 kilos were stolen but Police Master Sgt. Jerrywin Rebosora surrendered 42 kilos of shabu which was abandoned inside a car that was parked unattended in front of Boni Serrano gate of Camp Crame in Quezon City.

The incident was discovered through a spliced video showing Rebosora and two other cops loading luggage inside a white sedan. 

But when the entire CCTV footage was retrieved, it was found out that some of the PDEG operatives took more.

“It was observed in the video that personalities have been loading luggage and boxes inside civilian vehicles. It was also noticed that several motorcycles were used by some personalities to transport luggage coming from the WPD lending establishment,” said Cruz.

Cruz disclosed that pilferage occurred before the declaration that a total of 990 kilos of shabu. He added that the 42 kilos of shabu surrendered by Rebosora is on top of the 990 kilos of shabu.

The 990 kilos of shabu was estimated to be P6.7 billion while the 42 kilos of shabu was estimated to be worth more than P285 million.

“Yes it was 990 kilos, plus the 42 kilos and plus the missing. That’s the mathematical explanation on that,” said Cruz when asked if the 42 kilos of shabu surrendered and the missing other kilos of shabu were part of the 990 confiscated illegal drugs.

As to how many kilos of shabu remain missing is the subject of the investigation and directive of the SITG 990 to PNP counter-intelligence group to account based on its recommendation.

But quoting from Cruz during his presentation of facts of the case that personalities were seen loading luggage and boxes inside vehicles and even motorcycles,  the missing shabu appeared to be a large quantity.

“If we are just depending on the movement in the CCTV video on how much loading, about the size of being loaded so lahat yun but we are sure there are still missing illegal drugs,” said Cruz.

Felony of omission 

As some of top PDEG officials were lamenting on how they ended up as the villains when they were the ones who operated and reported the drug haul, Cruz said there are rules that define the accountability especially of a police commander.

In the case of former PDEG Director Police Brig. Gen. Narciso Domingo, Cruz said he appeared to be blind to the movement of his men which led to him failing to conduct measures to correct and punish the wrongdoings of his men. 

“You can be punished for what you have done and also can be punished by what you have not done. We expect him (Domingo) to do the thing that should have been done by a Director (of PDEG) to prevent or even the recovery of these 42. He should have addressed that,” said Cruz.

He added that Domingo also failed to punish his erring men despite the discovery of the pilferage.

“As an officer, you can do anything to make sure that these people will be jailed immediately. That is one thing that was not done and you are also liable on that,” said Cruz. 

Relieved and disarmed

On Saturday, April 15, Cruz disclosed that Domingo and 48 other PDEG personnel were found to be administratively liable for the wrongdoings committed during the Manila drug operation.

Domingo was already sacked from his post and was replaced by Police Brig. Gen. Faro Antonio Olaguera. 

He said the SITG also directed Olaguera to disarm Domingo and Sosongco, Police Cols. Rolando Portera and Julian Olonan; Police Lt. Cols. Arnulfo Ibañez, Glen Gonzales, and Dhefrry Punzalan; Police Maj. Michael Angelo Salmingo; Police Lts. Jeffrey Padilla, Randolph Pinon, Ashrap Amerol, and Silverio Ballester II.

Police Chief Master Sgts. Emmanuel Docene, Carlo Bayeta, Jerry Barit, Police Master Sgts. Jerrywin Rebosora, Lorenzo Catarata, Police Senior Master Sgts. Ruman Jimenez, Marian Mananghaya, Byan Rodas; Police Staff Sgts. Cliffon de Leon, Arnold Tibay, Ronnie Alonzo; Police Corporals Jose Joey Igana IV, Joan Francesslyn Taradji, Joshua Ivan Baltazar, Jhan Roland Gelacito. 

Also ordered disarmed were were Patrolmen Adrian Sanchez, Nathaniel Gomez, Windel de Ramos, Dennis Carolino, Rommar Bugarin, Hassan Kalaw, Mario Atchueta, Jr., Jayson Tomas, Rommel Fabian, Khyrie Ramilo, Nemar Baylon, Maico Baldeo, Mara Magaway, Ivan Jay Calcetas, Abigail Tumangul, Chona Facton, Melvin Barbo, james Osalvo and Darious Camacho.