74 PRO-1 police officers pass surprise drug test

CAMP FLORENDO, La Union – Seventy-four police officers from the Police Regional Office-1 tested negative in a surprise drug test on Wednesday, April 12.

Police Brig. Gen. John C. Chua, PRO-1 director, led the conduct of a surprise drug test during a command conference here on Wednesday, April 12.

All attendees were barred from leaving the conference room without being tested.

“The conduct of the surprise drug test is a part of our regular and continuous effort in sustaining the gains of the PNP’s internal cleansing program,” said Chua.

The Regional Forensic Unit-1 said 38 police commissioned officers, including senior officers, and seven police non-commissioned officers were subjected to a drug test and all tested negative for dangerous drugs.

Before the command conference, the Regional Forensic Unit-1 also subjected 29 operatives from the Regional Drug Enforcement Unit to a surprise drug test and all also tested negative for drug use.

“The implementation of our intensified campaign against illegal drugs must start within our organization and I am happy to note that PRO1 remains to be a drug-free organization,” Chua said.