Taking the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra for another spin

We recently took the S23 Ultra for another spin, because we really wanted to try the camera.

Since we got to try out the unit, there’s no doubt the S23 Series is miles better than Samsung’s last year's devices. The S23 Ultra has more vibrant colors and sharper details. Of course, it gets a dash of AI to smoothen the pictures. The way we look at this is, you take the photos, and the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra will take care of the rest, specifically, the post-processing. This is a phone where you can just whip out and snap shots here and there and tuck back into your pocket expecting the images will have great colors, contrast, and sharpness. 

The S23 Series, and most especially the S23 Ultra, is a device meant for content creators. It makes capturing videos, images, and editing a simpler process, which all can be done within the phone itself.

Here’s a couple of shots with the S23 Ultra during the regional launch in Singapore. 

20230203_095855.jpg We really love the colors and the contrast the S23 Ultra is capable of.

You’ve probably seen some of those from others already, which is cool. So we played with the zoom for a little bit to get in touch with nature. 


There was also this one shot while we were at Singapore. some men cleaning the glass windows, which will always be a crazy sight.

SAM2.png SAM1.png

Finally, here are some shots with the S23 Ultra on a concert setting.

For reference, we were seated almost at the farthest back of the Philippine Arena for the Blackpink concert.

BlackPink1.jpg Later we were able to get a shot like this at max zoom. This is a screenshot, by the way, from a video taken with the S23 Ultra. Zooming this much can make the capturing the video quite difficult. Still though, not bad, right? We wish we had a Gimbal to take better images and videos. Pink4.png Probably not the very best shot. But again, we were at the farthest back, and there's plenty of activity going around. But you can pretty much tell who's who among the group. Imagine if you were just a little bit closer?

Overall, the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra has an impressive set of camera features. Sure, one might find some flaws here and there. But for the general experience, being able to zoom this far and let the algorithm patch it up a bit to make it pretty for presentation, the colors and the contrast, are all worthwhile. It's quite hard to go wrong with the Galaxy S23 Ultra.