China all alone in its WPS assertion, says House leader 

At a glance

  • ACT Teachers Party-list Rep. France Castro has reminded China on that it is basically all by its lonesome in the international community when it comes to its territorial claim in the West Philippine Sea (WPS).

20230927_131006.jpgACT Teachers Party-list Rep. France Castro, Flag of China (Rep. Castro's office, Unsplash)







A ranking congresswoman reminded China on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 9 that it is basically all by its lonesome in the international community when it comes to its territorial claim in the West Philippine Sea (WPS). 

"It may still be news to the Chinese Foreign Ministry but no country in the world aside from China recognizes its right to the [WPS]," said House Minority Leader ACT Teachers Party-list Rep. France Castro. 

"The Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) ruling on the South China Sea Arbitration is the one recognized by the world. It is China's claim that is 'illegal, null and void,'" Castro said. 

The Makabayan solon was referring to the July 2016 arbitral case that the Philippines won but China never recognized. The PCA ruling invalidated Beijing's expansive nine-dash line claim in the South China Sea, which contains the WPS. 

"So, excuse me, it is the Chinese government who is intruding in our territory and exclusive economic zone (EEZ). Now they have the temerity to say that we are hyping up the issue that they are intruding and exploiting our waters and resources," she added. 

She gave these remarks on the heels of China's latest water cannon attack on a Philippine vessel in the WPS. 

"It is also highly condemnable that it again water cannoned Philippine ships, this time BFAR (Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources) vessels," she added. 



Last Dec. 6, the 300-plus strong House of Representatives adopted House Resolution (HR) No.1494, which condemned China's "illegal actions" in the WPS. The resolution also urged the government to uphold and defend the country’s sovereign rights over its EEZ. 

Castro echoed this collective sense of the House on Saturday. 

"We must stand firm against China's attempts to undermine our sovereignty. The Philippine government must prioritize the welfare and interests of our people, especially our fisherfolk who heavily rely on the resources in Scarborough Shoal," Castro stressed.