Celebrating the birthday of DBM Secretary Amenah Pangandaman






“There is beauty in simplicity.”

Thus said the renowned novelist Gail Goodwin, perhaps in reference to one’s appreciation and awe of things that are simple, unadorned or uncomplicated— which, for me, also best describes our very own Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Secretary Amenah “Mina” Pangandaman.

Yes, Sec. Mina is the quintessential public servant, whose soft spoken and mild mannered demeanor belie her effectivity and diligence in accomplishing so much in so little time, with little fanfare.

And it is this straightforward approach to work, and the genuine empathy in interacting with the various, nationwide stakeholders of the DBM, that enables people from all walks of life to have a better understanding of the once perceived as a highly technical and complex agency.

As to how she perceives these, there are touching things that make her let out a quiet smile and puts that twinkle in her eyes. These are the moments when she's on the road and is able to reach out to people from the most far-flung areas across the country.

I remember our trip in Iloilo for the Open Government campaign launch and our Tawi-Tawi visit for the unveiling of the Sheik Karimul Makhdum Mosque marker wherein Sec. Mina was surrounded by huge crowds who eagerly wanted to meet her. Even in airports where we regularly take the flights at ungodly hours, it's already getting to be quite a challenge for her not to be noticed and have people mill around her for a selfie. Ehem, to be honest, I get the feeling that I'm travelling not with a Cabinet secretary but with a celebrity.

I believe Sec. Mina is blessed with a charisma that naturally draws people to shake her hand or hug her, which Sec. Mina doesn't hesitate to return as well with a firm handshake and warm hug—she even makes time to chat quickly with them. When someone tells her “Ang ganda n’yo po,” she quickly responds “Maganda tayo.” I suppose it's her sincerity that people can see through instantly. It's this same sincerity and simplicity in a leader that I think are what people yearn for nowadays.

But her journey as a public servant wasn't that easy as many might think. Let's just say Sec. Mina knows how to carry her burdens with such grace and aplomb. The weight of an entire bureacracy tasked with taking good care of our most precious resources hover around her, plus the advocacy of her gender and her faith.

When her appointment was announced, she was described as "the first Muslim woman to be named budget secretary and the only Muslim cabinet secretary of President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr.."

She was one of the earliest appointments of the BBM administration, mainly because President Bongbong Marcos has always seen the strong and committed drive of Sec. Mina for the country.

In fact, PBBM says, "With her unwavering dedication, she has breathed life into our aspirations, crafting a future where there are opportunities for each and every Filipino. With her meticulous stewardship of our nation's finances, she has brought our dream of a more resilient and prosperous Philippines closer to reality."

At the start, her mandate has always been to uplift the lives of every Filipino. Next year marks an important development in governance as we will finally see the fruition of digitalization in the bureaucracy that will cut the age-old red tape problem and boost the quality of public service. Digitalization is a personal passion of the good secretary and is also connected with her open government advocacy.

On a more personal note, Sec. Mina has also given us the gift of values that she has been living out unwaveringly. As one of those who have been privileged to work with her, I will never forget the 10 golden nuggets of wisdom about life by our amazing leader, which we adoringly refer  to as "How to be Sec. Mina po?":

1. There's no substitute for hard work
2. Always show kindness
3. Be grateful
4. Find your passion and advocacy
5. Be agile and adapt
6. Build real relationships
7. Foster critical thinking
8. You can't please everyone
9. Be proud of your heritage
10. Take care of the environment.

These are simple words and deeds, but they hold so much power as they truly inspire and motivate us to deliver and exceed expectations.

And in all humility, I believe the DBM has achieved a significant lot. But don’t tell this to Sec Mina and accord her recognition. She will be the first to say that it is not her but the entire DBM which merits the accolade.

She will shun the limelight, and instead celebrate this appreciation as a triumph of the collective will, might and effort of the Department of Budget and Management.
Indeed it is, but in this very special moment of her birthday, I will courageously digress and ask everyone to join me in celebrating the life of this wonderful gift of God to us —
Happy Birthday Sec. Mina

It is our honor and privilege to be with you in this most amazing journey in public service.
