Princess Revilla shares the blessing of Christmas with others

At a glance

  • Looking back, Princess admits that she was not suited for the glitz of showbiz or the demands of being an electedofficial.

Princess Revilla

Princess Revilla. The name may not be as popular to the present generation as it was in the late 80s when she made most of her movies. This includes "Balbakwa" with the late Comedy King Dolphy and "Jessa: Blusang Itim 2" with Gabby Concepcion. Princess is okay with not being as recognizable as her famous siblings (Senator Bong and Congressman Strike Revilla). What she's getting noticed for are her philanthropic activities for the causes dear to her heart - like women, animals,children, and senior citizens.

While absent from showbiz, Princess found meaning in putting up the Azucena  Mortel Bautista Foundation in 1998, named after her late mother. Then, in 2021, she established the eponymous Princess Revilla Foundation to expand her social advocacy further.

During a short catch-up in Makati City, Princess revealed that the Christmas season is particularly busy for her as she figuratively portrays the role of a female Santa for her favorite charities. " December is when my staff and I work double-time for my favorite people - the mothers, seniors, kids, and the less fortunate. They don't have to come knocking on our door, we reach out to them through the various gift-giving activities we have planned."

Medical missions, feeding programs, animal care, assistance to seniors, and scholarships are just some of the services that her two foundations extend to rightful beneficiaries.

What lends significance to the whole process is that Princess chooses to serve people even without the perks of a political office. She clarified that she is happy to help her duly-elected siblings in their endeavors "because this is what I promised my father before he passed."

Looking back, Princess admits that she was not suited for the glitz of showbiz or the demands of being an elected official. She finds happiness in being simply content and sharing her blessings with others.


Princess noted that raising her kids transformed her. " As a hands-on mom, I've always emphasized spending quality time with my children.  Even though they're grown-ups now, my kids & I make sure we still manage to spend quality time together. We eat lunch or dinner every Sunday, watch movies, and go on family trips."

The former actress slash producer noted that motherhood changed the trajectory of her life for the better. " Basically, I applied the same values my mom instilled in us while we were growing up. She taught us to work hard, be down-to-earth, and to always be sensitive to the needs of others."

Princess minced no words when she said that the sector closest to her heart is women, especially single mothers. 

"I started helping less fortunate women because I believe they are the most vulnerable sector of our society. They deserve special attention, giving much-needed support to help them survive. This includes counseling, livelihood assistance, and other projects," she pointed out.

She reiterated that mothers should not lose sight that they are "the heart of the home. As such, they must embrace their worth, shape their destiny, and contribute to society."

Now that the holiday season is here, Princess, a mom to many people under her wings, will be busy wrapping gifts. She hopes that her example will create a ripple effect among her followers and inspire them to show compassion through acts of giving. After all, what the world needs now is l-o-v-e.