Giving thanks


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This coming Thursday is Thanksgiving in the United States. Although this is largely an American tradition – a very major one at that – it is a holiday, and celebration of sorts that I have come to really grow to love. While the reason to celebrate has evolved from pilgrims giving thanks for a bountiful harvest, the fact that it is a day rooted on giving thanks that originated from gratefulness remains unchanged. To me, this very message is what makes it most meaningful, priceless and allows it to transcend time. 

Gratefulness is a habit we should try and imbibe on a daily basis. To live life with an attitude of gratitude lightens up our hearts and very being. Of course, there are some days that are duller, dimmer and seemingly more mundane than others, but that is not to say that there is nothing to be grateful for. If we make an effort, and find it in ourselves to look for even the smallest of things to be thankful for on a daily basis, then without a doubt, contentment will come upon us, and happiness will find us even on days that we may not feel like it exists. 

I am truly a believer that what we manifest, and that the energy we put out comes back to us a thousand fold. In other words, we get what we give, and the golden rule of “doing unto others as we would have them do unto us” governs our lives more than we think, or expect it to. Thus, if we put forth and pay it forward with grateful hearts, this positivity at the very least will come around to find us when we need it most. Finding gratefulness, I have found even in the direst of situations uplifts. It has the ability to transform even utmost pessimism into positivity, which can make a world of a difference in times when the going gets tough. 

So may we not limit ourselves in giving thanks this Thursday. May the spirit live in us, and in our hearts all throughout. Though Thanksgiving is by no means a Filipino tradition, we can truly make pasasalamat a part of our everyday lives, and be that instrument of joy and hope to others. Happy Thanksgiving, one, and all. Let us make it our goal to inspire!