Las Piñas CHO holds mass progestin implants

The Las Piñas City Health Office (CHO) conducted a free mass progestin implants to promote safe motherhood and effective family planning on Tuesday, Oct. 3 at the CAA Narra covered court.


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Photo from Las Piñas PIO


Mayor Imelda Aguilar said the CHO initiative is part of a broader campaign to make long-term family planning methods by conducting mass implants on women from various barangays in the city.

Aguilar said the Progestin-only Subdermal Implant, which offers up to three years of protection against unplanned pregnancies, stands as a viable choice for many, including breastfeeding mothers. 

She said by offering the service free of charge, the CHO aims to empower women to better manage their reproductive health according to their readiness for pregnancy. 

The mayor said the initiative significantly contributes to the reduction of early and frequent pregnancies, particularly among high-risk groups and individuals with health conditions.

Aguilar said that through the proactive approach, the CHO commits to enhancing the reproductive health landscape of the community.

She said that as the CHO continues to distribute accessible birth control from barangay to barangay, the local government is not only addressing immediate reproductive health needs but also fostering a culture of informed and voluntary family planning.