Today’s youth rises above adversity

Through their purposeful actions, positive outlook on life, and swiftness in adapting to newly accepted norms, these National Discipline Awardees achieved personal breakthroughs that, in turn, uplifted the lives of their families and loved ones.

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Times are tough, not only for ordinary citizens who have felt the pinch but also for organizations, sectors, and global economies.

However, despite today’s uncertainties, our youth have courageously demonstrated their readiness to face challenges. Through purposeful actions, swift adaptation to newly accepted norms, and a positive outlook on life, these National Discipline Awardees have achieved personal breakthroughs that, in turn, uplifted the lives of their families and loved ones.

These exceptional young minds demonstrated tenacity, vision, perseverance, compassion, leadership, and an indomitable spirit, values for which the AY Foundation National Discipline Awards (NDA) is known. 

May this next generation of leaders remind us to remain relentless in our quest for a better Philippines for ourselves, our families, and future generations.

Message from the A.Y foundation board trustees

The great physicist and Nobel Prize laureate Albert Einstein once said, "Adversity introduces a man to himself." The circumstances we have experienced the past year have given the youth ample opportunity to triumph over obstacles and reveal and discover their inner nature and potential. 

The waves of challenges that they and the rest of the world have been dealt with, such as the large-scale, lengthy pandemic, rising costs of living, calamities, and other uncertainties, have given them the immense opportunity to understand and nurture their true character, motivations, strengths, weaknesses, priorities, and values. 

These hurdles have brought out qualities such as determination, perseverance, courage, creativity, and leadership – attributes befitting the future leaders of our country.  

The AY Foundation, its Trustees, and the Yuchengco Group of Companies (YGC) applaud these young minds for their fierce determination to succeed. We hope that through their example, more Filipinos will be inspired to follow in their footsteps so that they and the coming generations will have a better future.

Lady Ann Dagayanon Barrete

“As a leader, we ought to consider a course of action that will benefit everyone in our community and nation, not just our friends, ourselves, and our families. Being a catalyst for change is motivating, and I will not hesitate to assist others if they need it, given my willingness and capabilities," Barrete said.

LA, as her peers fondly call her, has always been known for her determination, sincerity, and boldness when faced with difficulties. Despite personal struggles, LA has always been a reliable student leader, serving as president of the Elpidio Quirino Senior High School Supreme Student Government. She spearheaded school projects that benefitted fellow students, successfully represented her alma mater in painting competitions, launched donation drives, and excelled in her studies while diligently working as a fast-food restaurant crew member and vocalist of a band after school hours. Her desire to help others has continually motivated her to spark change wherever she went. 

Jair Brelo Dela Cruz Cansino

“Ending poverty is a complex and multifaceted issue to resolve, but with the efforts and passion of the collective people, we can make a significant impact that could change people’s lives…I may only be a student who yearns for a better place to live in, but this won’t limit me from doing what is right and needed for our country to become a better place," Cansino said.

An active student leader at the University of Baguio, Jair stood out among his peers because of his innate leadership skills, integrity, and benevolence. His sense of responsibility and uprightness made it natural for him to lead outreach programs and community service activities that sought to improve the lives of those in need. Instead of spending his time with worldly pursuits like partying or imbibing, he excelled in his studies, participated in sports, and joined volunteer work. Despite his youth, Jair realized that by being vocal, responsible, collaborative, accepting, and compassionate, young people like him could profoundly affect the nation and the rest of the world.

Jocelyn Jallorina Callueng

“As a senior high school student, I hurdled many trials, but my passion to pursue my studies does not stop me from my dreams of becoming a better person every day…With all the uncertainties, I am determined to pursue my aspirations in life, be successful, and be a role model in the community I live in," Callueng said.

18-year-old Jocelyn is a picture of quiet grace, diligence, and perseverance. Despite her family responsibilities, she poured her heart into everything without complaint. Aside from studying hard, she took on various tasks in school. Jocelyn often helped until the wee hours to prepare for big school affairs and programs, tended the school gardens on weekends, and completed other assigned tasks. She religiously trained and represented the school in athletics throwing competitions, recently winning second and third place. Jocelyn juggled all these while diligently working in the cornfields on weekends and holidays for her family. Her tenacity, integrity, loyalty, and discipline prove that she is worth emulating.

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