Addressing corruption: Mayor Magalong’s fight for transparency and governance




By Lt. Gen. Jaime S. de los Santos, AFP (Ret)


On Sept. 6, 2023, Baguio Mayor Benjamin Magalong took the stage as the guest speaker for the National Issues Committee of the Management Association of the Philippines. The focal point of his address was the decline in the quality of life for Baguio's residents, a decline attributed to weak governance, primarily caused by rampant corruption. This issue extends its tendrils into both local and national government agencies, a fact validated by Transparency International's 2022 Corruption Index, where the Philippines ranks 116th. Mayor Magalong highlighted structural flaws in the budget system, which can be manipulated and exploited by lawmakers for personal gain. This manipulation leads to substantial leakages, siphoning funds away from essential government programs and projects, thereby compromising their true worth and completion.

Mayor Magalong, a retired military and police general with an illustrious service record, brings a mindset influenced by the Principles of War to his leadership. Upon assuming office in his first term, he identified the root cause of the city's problems and a significant impediment to good governance: corruption. Despite facing numerous challenges like traffic congestion, water supply issues, environmental concerns, and overcrowding, Mayor Magalong views these as effects stemming from the central problem - corruption.

One of the key principles he adheres to is the Principle of Objectives, which determines the ultimate goal an organization strives to achieve. In the case of Baguio City, the failure to address weak governance resulted from conflicting personal agendas that compromised the city's primary objective. Mayor Magalong's uncompromising stance shifted his management style to an offensive mode, despite facing displeasure from powerful officials and lawmakers who controlled government resources, often serving their personal interests.

The Principle of Offense, borrowed from warfare, emphasizes that the attacking force must outnumber the defending force three to one to increase the likelihood of success. Similarly, the government's struggle against corruption is hindered by its inability to marshal the necessary physical and psychological resources to counter a deeply entrenched corrupt system. Some members of law enforcement agencies and the judiciary are complicit, making it an even more formidable challenge. Mayor Magalong stressed the need for leaders to be fair, responsible, and uphold high ethical standards, advocating for transparency and accountability.

The Principle of Mass highlights the importance of consolidating resources and focusing them on the core objective. Mayor Magalong has fostered alliances across various sectors, including the bureaucracy, private enterprises, religious groups, and other stakeholders who share his commitment to combat corruption. Leveraging technology and innovation to streamline processes and enhance transparency is a key part of their strategy.

Unity of Command dictates that all forces must operate under a single responsible commander, ensuring a unified effort. Mayor Magalong's vision and passion have inspired his constituents, despite making unpopular decisions to root out compromise and cover-ups. He acknowledges the necessity for leaders to take risks, even if it means putting their positions at stake.

Surprise is a key element of success, as it catches adversaries off guard. Mayor Magalong took decisive action by investigating, relieving, and securing the resignation of powerful figures, who had held their positions for over two decades and were instrumental in implementing substandard and undervalued projects.

In the pursuit of the objectives, he has directed and concentrated his initiatives in the areas wherein it can achieve the greatest impact in his campaign. These are the infrastructure and social services sector. While the other sectors are likewise important, infrastructure and social services dictate the magnitude of graft and accounts for the greatest contribution to corruption. Pork barrel and PDAF are its byproducts. It has been the traditional playground of politicians, opportunists and their minions who feast on government largesse who allocate and dispense with impunity.

Of late, initiatives in these sectors are gaining traction. Progress is noticeable in road expansion and its maintenance since the city faces congestion problems. Plans for a workable public transport system are underway. In social services, health and education were made top priorities accounting for almost 20 percent of the city budget. This is the application of the Principle of the Economy of Force.

Finally, the Principle of Simplicity underscores the importance of clear and understandable plans. Mayor Magalong's directive to city officials and employees is straightforward: "Let it be clear that there will be no room for corruption in Baguio City."

To challenge the status quo is an uphill battle, hence, very few have succeeded.  It always starts with Leadership by Example. Can Mayor Magalong sustain the initiative?

Mayor Magalong's unwavering commitment to these principles offers hope for Baguio City's future, as he continues to fight for transparency, good governance, and a higher quality of life for its residents.

(Lt. Gen. Jaime S. de los Santos served with distinction as a military professional, 42nd Commanding Gen. Philippine Army, 1st Force Commander, UN Multi-National Peacekeeping Force in East Timor, former member, UP Board of Regents and Professorial Lecturer II (part-time), UP-Diliman.)