Nationwide transport strike prompts some HEIs to shift to online classes

In anticipation of a nationwide transport strike next week, several Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) suspended in-person classes and shifted to virtual lessons.  

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Photo credit to FEU

Suspension of face-to-face classes has been confirmed on Saturday, Oct. 14, by universities including De La Salle University (DLSU), Our Lady Fatima University (OLFU), National University Mall of Asia (NU MOA), and Far Eastern University (FEU).

Other universities, such as the University of Santo Tomas (UST), University of the East (UE) Manila and Caloocan campuses, and San Beda University (SBU) Manila and Rizal campuses, however, announced their suspension last Oct. 13.

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Photo credit to UST

These HEIs are expected to conduct their classes online due to the announced work stoppage of the group Manibela to protest.

“This will be the biggest transport strike that the government will experience. This is not only a transport strike, but we will also hold a protest action in front of the LTFRB (Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board), DOTr (Department of Transportation), and Malacañang,” Manibela chairman Mar Valbuena said.