Chef Andrea Spagoni: A culinary journey of authenticity and innovation

Finestra's visionary chef brings the essence of Italian cuisine to Filipinos

Hailing from Turin, Italy, a historic city renowned for its architecture and cuisine, Chef Andrea Spagoni embarked on his culinary odyssey in the most authentic of settings: his grandmother's traditional Piedmontese kitchen. Piedmont, the birthplace of Italy's slow food movement, instilled in him a deep appreciation for soul-nourishing food. Alongside his family's time-honored culinary traditions, he nurtured a profound love for genuine Italian cuisine from a tender age.

Chef Andrea Spagoni

Today, as the visionary chef at Finestra, Chef Spagoni infuses each dish with an unwavering commitment to authentic Italian flavors. Emulating his grandmother's dedication to the craft, he meticulously tends to every detail in the kitchen, from perfecting sauces to hand-selecting each ingredient. This devotion not only defines his culinary style at Finestra but also resonates with the restaurant's patrons, bringing forth the true essence of Italian cuisine.

Despite the challenge of sourcing authentic Italian ingredients from abroad, Chef Spagoni demonstrates pure culinary creativity by devising ingenious solutions in the kitchen. In true slow food movement fashion, he passionately seeks out local, high-quality ingredients that capture the bold flavors of his Italian creations. This approach allows Chef Spagoni to reimagine and adapt traditional Italian dishes for a global audience.

Tonno Crudo, Zuppa D'Aragosta, Grilled Tiger Prawns

A testament to his innovation, Chef Spagoni strikes a harmonious balance between authenticity and localization, delighting all who taste his dishes. His menu at Finestra showcases robust Italian flavors ingeniously tailored to suit his local clientele. This commitment to his craft shines through, as he continually pushes the boundaries of culinary expertise and strives for innovation to deliver the finest Italian cuisine.

Oysters on Ice, Branzino, Signature Gelato

Notable dishes from Chef Spagoni’s menu include the Tonno Crudo (bluefin tuna belly tartare), Zuppa D’Aragosta (Australian rock lobster bisque), and Branzino (Mediterranean sea bass). Calamarata, Grilled Tiger Prawns, Oysters on Ice, and Signature Gelato are also must-try offerings.

Chef Spagoni's culinary journey has taken him around the world, leading him through the vibrant kitchens of London, Florence, Turin, Hong Kong, and New York. Each of these cities has profoundly influenced his cooking style, and his encounters with diverse food cultures have played a pivotal role in shaping his distinctive culinary philosophy. His remarkable skills have earned him esteemed Michelin stars, acknowledging his unparalleled contributions to the culinary world.

These influences come together to offer patrons of Finestra a culinary spectacle with every bite, transcending borders and cultures. Chef Spagoni doesn't just cook; he narrates a story through his food, weaving various inspirations into a tapestry of authenticity and a deep love for the flavors that have shaped his life.

Whether you're a local diner or a traveler in search of a taste of Italy, a gastronomic feast at Finestra is more than just a dining experience—it's a celebration of Chef Spagoni's culinary journey. It's a journey that brings the world to your plate while remaining true to its Italian roots.

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