DTI, NCCA launch Philippine Creative Industries Month to celebrate Filipino creativity and innovation

"We are stepping into an era where creativity will not only define our identity but also fuel our progress."

Director Emmy Lou Versoze-De, DICT; Usec. Rowel S. Barba; Marichu G. Tellano, NCCA's Deputy Executive Director for Administration and Aupport Services and the Arts; Congressman Christopher "Toff" de Venecia, IPOPHIL; Director Paulo Tugbang, DOT; and Dr. Julius Leano Jr., DOST.

The National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA), in partnership with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), launched the first Philippine Creative Industries Month (PCIM) 2023 at the Metropolitan Theater Ballroom in Manila City to promote Filipino creativity, talent, and innovation.

This initiative, aligned with RA 11904, also known as the Philippine Creative Industries Development Act, establishes a favorable policy and governance framework for enhancing the global competitiveness of the Philippine creative industries.

With the theme "Celebrating Filipino Creativity, Advancing Creative Philippines," the event aims to recognize Filipino talents by celebrating their achievements both locally and internationally. This month-long celebration showcases the diverse talents and contributions of Filipino creators across various fields, from traditional arts to contemporary arts. It serves as a platform to recognize and support the growth of the creative industries, fostering a vibrant cultural landscape for generations to come.

Congressman Christopher Toff de Venecia

“Philippine Creative Industry Month is a platform for us to be able to promote and market the goods, services, and the amazing output of our creative sectors,” Congressman Christopher Toff de Venecia, the Principal Author of the Philippine Creative Industries Development Act or RA 11904, stated in his opening remarks.

Senator Loren Legarda, a long-time supporter of the country's creative industry, delivered her message, which was read by Department of Trade and Industry USec. Rafaelita Aldaba. “As your four-term senator, I have long supported several initiatives to cultivate arts, culture, and creativity in the Philippines. I have initiated events like the National Arts and Crafts Fair and I have supported the School of Living Traditions—platforms where the mastery of our indigenous communities is handed down to younger generations."

The PCIM emphasizes eight key aspects of the creative industry, including exhibitions, displays, workshops, competitions, exchanges, discussions, domain-specific events, and platforms for business collaboration.  

Dr. Rafaelita M. Aldaba, Supervising undersecretary for creative industries development - program management unit (CID-PMU)

Dr. Rafaelita M. Aldaba, Supervising undersecretary for creative industries development - program management unit (CID-PMU), also delivered an opening message, highlighting the significance of these projects in nation's journey towards global competitiveness.

"We are stepping into an era where creativity will not only define our identity but also fuel our progress. I encourage every Filipino to embrace these initiatives, to be a part of this transformative movement, and to contribute to the legacy of ingenuity that we are collectively building," Undersecretary Aldaba said.

Marichu G. Tellano, NCCA deputy executive director for administration 
and support services and the arts

Ms. Marichu G. Tellano, the NCCA's deputy executive director for administration and support services and the arts, presented NCCA's Programs for Philippine Creative Industries Month.

Present also during the media launch were Director Emmy Lou Versoze-De, DICT; Usec Rowel S. Barba, IPOPHIL; Director Paulo Tugbang, DOT; and Dr. Julius Leano Jr., DOST.

Here are three key projects by the DTI that nurture the creativity and innovation of Filipinos, in alignment with the celebration of the Philippine Creative Industries Month:

FiestaKucha Philippine Regional Creative Festivals 

"FiestaKucha" is a regional initiative that blends the vibrancy of Filipino "Fiestas" with the narrative charm of "PechaKucha," a Japanese onomatopoeia for "chit-chat." It serves as a platform to celebrate, promote, and enrich the diversity of talent and creativity in various regions of the country. This program benefits participating artists and creatives and contributes to the cultural and economic development of the region. Key cities, including Cebu City (Sept. 8 to 30), Davao City (Sept. 24), and Baguio City (Sept. 27 to 29), are preparing to host a series of these vibrant and inspiring events.

Lunsod Lunsad: A Call for Creative Proposals 

"Lunsod Lunsad: A Call for Creative Proposals” is a program that aims to identify and support innovative project proposals from Philippine cities, with a focus on maximizing their creative resources for economic and cultural development. This initiative offers funding of up to P3 million, with the intention of inspiring a widespread increase in creative projects and stimulating innovation throughout the Philippines. Applications can be submitted from Aug. 17, 2023, to Sept. 30, 2023.

Philippine Creative Industries Month 2023 Celebration

DTI has organized a series of events for the Philippine Creative Industries Month celebration, which started on Sept. 3 with a media launch that officially marked the beginning of the first-ever official celebration. This launch included special messages from government supporters of the Philippine creative industries. Other activities include the Philippine Creative Cities and Municipalities Competitiveness Congress, which has been a tradition for over a decade and involves more than 1,500 LGUs. There are also co-branded events with external partners, such as government agencies, private organizations, and NGAs. These activities complement the main celebrations by promoting creative appreciation, raising product awareness, and advancing the industry across different sectors and regions of the Philippines. To conclude the PCIM, there is the Philippine Creativity and Innovation Convention, a two-day National Conference that consolidates the achievements of the month and stimulates discussions on national strategies for creative industry development while honoring outstanding contributions.

The PCIM 2023 is a vibrant testament to the nation's rich creative spirit, showcasing the boundless talent and innovation of Filipino artists, creators, and entrepreneurs, solidifying their vital role in shaping a dynamic and culturally diverse Philippines.