BIR, NLP signs MOA for integrated library system

At a glance

  • The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and the National Library of the Philippines (NLP) have entered into a collaboration for the acquisition and implementation of the Koha Integrated Library System.

  • Koha is an open-source integrated library system used globally.

  • The NLP will provide expert assistance in implementing the Linux operating system and Koha software on designated BIR desktop computers.

  • The collaboration aims to enhance accessibility and efficiency of library services and information access within the BIR.

  • The NLP will offer tutorials to selected revenue personnel to ensure proficiency in using the systems.

  • The collaboration reflects BIR's commitment to improving library services and information access.

  • The partnership aligns with BIR's dedication to providing enhanced services to taxpayers and facilitating a smooth exchange of information.

The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and the National Library of the Philippines (NLP) have entered into an agreement involving the acquisition and implementation of the Koha Integrated Library System.

Koha, a Maori term for gift, is an open-source integrated library system used globally by public institutions, schools, and libraries.

BIR Commissioner Romeo D. Lumagui, Jr. and NLP Director Cesar Gilbert Adriano jointly signed the accord. 

The primary objective of this collaboration is to enhance the accessibility and efficiency of library services and information access within the BIR.

Under this partnership, the NLP will provide expert assistance to implement the Linux operating system and the Koha software on designated BIR desktop computers.

Additionally, the NLP will conduct tutorials for selected revenue personnel to ensure they are proficient in using these systems.

Lumagui expressed that the collaboration with the national library underscores their commitment to improving the accessibility and efficiency of library services and information access. 

He noted that this partnership aligns with their dedication to providing enhanced services to taxpayers and facilitating a smooth exchange of information.