All the Green Hills girls look like this

Newly co-ed LSGH reveals uniforms for the first batch of incoming female students

At a glance

  • ‘The designs draw inspiration and reflect La Salle’s core values—faith, service, and communion.’

STYLISH UNIFORMS Student models showcase the La Salle Green Hills female uniforms for elementary, junior high, and senior high

La Salle Green Hills, which has recently transitioned as a co-educational institution, has tapped fashion designer Ionica Abrahan Lim to create uniforms for the incoming female students for the academic year 2023 to 2024. 
Ionica shares that all sets incorporate the iconic La Salle Green checkered woven fabric in the skirt, as well as in the piping details on the blouses.
“Each design incorporates clean lines and subtle accents for that simple yet polished look,” she explains. “Since this is the first set of uniforms for the female students, LSGH wanted something to complement the existing uniform of the boys.” 

Every level possesses different cuts. For elementary pupils, the blouse dons semi-puff sleeves with a sailor tie-inspired necktie. The skirt has flat pleats to achieve more volume. These allow the children to easily move around. 
A more refined version awaits the junior high schoolers. It features a classic breast pocket with piping that matches the polo of the boys. Meanwhile, professionalism meets comfort for the senior high with longer sleeves and more fitted skirts. 

INDUSTRY EXPERT Fashion designer and
Benilde Fashion Design and Merchandising
educator Ionica Abraham Lim

“The designs draw inspiration and reflect La Salle’s core values—faith, service, and communion,” explains the De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde educator. 
LSGH, which has been exclusive to young gentlemen since its establishment in 1959, has shifted to co-educational in constant pursuit of social transformation as a learner-centered and service-oriented institution. Prior to this, it was the only remaining boys’ school of De La Salle Brothers in the Philippines. 

The decision to follow in the footsteps of all 15 La Salle schools in the country was based on several aspects. One is the promotion of equal access to quality Lasallian education for all genders. This is in addition to their inclusive initiatives to accommodate adult students and diversely gifted pupils with special needs, such as members of the Deaf community. 

The new learning environment fosters a more diverse yet natural development. Classroom behaviors are enhanced, co-curricular activities are more varied, and a culture with an improved mixed-gender perspective has emerged, which strengthens the already solid foundation that is uniquely LSGH.