The second episode of the Korean show “Jinny’s Kitchen” (aka “Seojin’s”), headlined by Lee Seo-jin, Jung Yu-mi, Park Seo-jun, Choi Woo-shik and BTS’ V, took the No. 1 spot again in the ratings in South Korea.
Prime Video and tvN released the second episode on March 3, showing the stars continuing with their work in a Korean street food restaurant they opened in Bacalar, Mexico.
According to Nielsen Korea, the second episode of “Jinny’s Kitchen” (서진이네) on March 3 received a nationwide rating of 9.347 percent to take the top spot among cable TV shows in South Korea. A total of 2.27 million people in South Korea watched the show.
This is higher compared to the first episode on Feb. 24, which received 8.792 percent nationwide rating in South Korea.
In the metropolitan area (Seoul, Gyeong-gi and Incheon), “Jinny’s Kitchen” episode 2 garnered 11.12 percent to place No. 1 again, with 1.3 million viewers, rising from 10.33 percent for episode 1.
The second episode showed the team continuing to operate the Korean street food restaurant.
When they got back to their house, BTS’ V said, “At first, I didn’t want to work so much so I wished we had few customers but nobody came and it made me feel bad. So when the customers came, I got happy,” according to Prime Video.
Lee Seo-jin was concerned about their menu and the other team members suggested changing some of the items. On the second day of the restaurant, they got more customers.
Choi Woo-shik finally arrived in Mexico and immediately got down to work at the restaurant. The preview for episode 3 showed the restaurant having more customers with more people waiting outside.
Episode 3 of “Jinny’s Kitchen” will air on March 10.