DICT launches ‘Broadband ng Masa’ program in Antique

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  • Photo: MB Visual Content Group

The national government continues to prove that digitalization is one of its priorities. This time, it marked another milestone by launching the Broadband ng Masa program in Antique. 

The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT), in partnership with Senator Loren Legarda, launched the Broadband ng Masa program in Antique on Friday, March 3, in hopes of ensuring the public’s convenient access to digital opportunities.

“Digital inclusion needed to be among our priorities,” said Legarda, adding that she is glad that the DICT heeded their calls to bring and implement the program in Antique. 

Through this, the DICT will install free Wi-Fi sites in the different campuses of the University of Antique as well as other parts of the province including indigenous peoples’ community areas.

“Digital transformation is a key agenda for Philippine development in the next six years. Broadband ng Masa is a vital component of the national government’s agenda,” said DICT Secretary Ivan John Uy during the ceremony. 

According to Uy, at least 150 free Wi-Fi sites will be launched in the province during the “initial stage” of the project, but the public should “expect more” as the agency will connect more barangays in the coming years.

“We will activate the free Wi-Fi sites across the province as well as the five campuses of the University of Antique,” Uy said. The campuses are as follows: Sibalom, Tario-Lim Memorial, Libertad, Caluya, and Hamtic.

Apart from launching free Wi-Fi sites, the DICT launched e-governance in the province. This means its 18 municipalities will “undergo digital advancements” to make services faster and efficient.