PNP to strengthen maritime patrol alliance with PH Navy, Coast Guard

The Philippine National Police (PNP) is eyeing to combine its maritime forces with that of the Philippine Navy (PN) and the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) in a bid to strengthen the government’s law enforcement arm in the country’s territorial waters.

But with limited vessels that would maximize the presence of the PNP in high seas, PNP chief Gen. Rodolfo Azurin, Jr. said the police’s role would be near the country’s shorelines and would focus much in the campaign against smuggling, human trafficking and other transnational crimes.

“We wanted to have a memorandum of understanding with them (PCG and Philippine Navy) to secure our waters against contrabands and including the campaign against human trafficking,” said Azurin.

He said the focus would be on the Philippine boundaries with Malaysia and Indonesia.

The borders in the southern part of the Philippines are considered as porous and are usually the routes of smuggling and human trafficking activities.

In the past, the Philippine southern border is the usual route of international terrorists seeking refuge in the Philippines and has been the favorite route of Abu Sayyaf in its kidnapping activities in Malaysia and Indonesia.

The PNP’s procurement, through its modernization program that includes buying of sea vessels for its Maritime Group, has been concentrated in western part of Mindanao.

On Monday, Feb 27, the PNP procured P1.2 billion worth of equipment that include two high-speed watercraft.

On the part of the West Philippine Sea where there are islands and rock formations that have been subject of dispute, especially with China, Azurin said the PNP is coordinating with the PCG and the Navy for the deployment.

“We wanted to combine our efforts so that our deployment would be maximized and improve the presence ng law enforcement together with the Coast Guard and the Philippine Navy,” said Azurin.

Partnership commitment

Top officials of the PCG and the Philippine Navy were guests of honor in the PNP Monday Flag-raising ceremony in the past.

On Feb. 27, PCG Commandant Admiral Artemio Abu was the guest of honor and speaker and vowed to work with the PNP in law enforcement activities.

“As the commandant of the PCG, it has been my advocacy to strengthen our partnership, coordination and collaboration with the stakeholders and other government agencies. It is our firm belief that by working together we achieve great things, that of enforcing the law and addressing lawless activities in the community and in achieving this end, we both believe that the whole is far more than the sum of its parts,” said Abu.

“I am proud to report that with the assistance of the PNP, the PCG has improved our law enforcement efforts, through the help of the PNP and your unrelenting presence in the community,” he added.

The same commitment was made bv Navy Flag Officer in Command Vice Admiral Toribio D Adaci Jr. when he was the guest of honor and speaker on Feb. 13

“The PN and PNP have many points of convergence that require close coordination and collaborative actions. With our strong partnership, we are creating a formidable force, together with our maritime stakeholders, that will defend our country against threats," said Adaci in his speech.

“The recent tripartite agreement to which the AFP, the PNP and the PCG have jointly put to life and set into motion, I am confident that being together, we can better provide a safe and secure maritime environment for our countrymen,” said Abu, for his part.