Boy Scout of the Philippines opens new headquarters

The Boy Scouts of the Philippines (BSP) inaugurated its new head office in Quiapo, Manila on Wednesday, Feb. 23.

Manila City Mayor Honey Lacuna-Pangan, together with Manila Vice Mayor John Marvin "Yul" Servo Nieto, and BSP Council Chairman Rodel Sampang, attended the opening event.

"Now that you have your own house and place, I am sure that BSP Manila will be even more enthusiastic and active in encouraging many more young Manilans to join scouting," the mayor said.

Lacuna-Pangan hopes that the opening of the new home for boy scouts would result to more recruitment of BSP members.

She also recognized the efforts of the council in equipping BSP members not only in the city but in the country.

"The Boy Scout, as a strong partner of the main institutions of society such as the family and the school, is truly helpful in shaping character, strengthening abilities, cultivating talent, guiding our youth to be true who are useful and responsible citizens," Lacuna-Pangan said.

The new BSP building has board and control rooms, a main office; offices for the chairman, scout executive and finance; a pantry, an open deck, a training area, and a multi-purpose hall.

"Your city government wishes for the success of all your plans. Rest assured that your government supports you 100 percent," the mayor said.

Sampang, meanwhile, thanked the local government for its utmost support to the scouting community.

"Rest assured that the Manila Council will never stop in preparing our scouts, mga Batang Manila, as agents of change in the communities guided by their scouters and the law," he said.

Sampang also vowed to have new generation of scouts who are equipped with values and competency to become capable leaders.

The construction of the four-story building was initiated by former Manila Mayor Francisco "Isko Moreno" Domagoso in 2021 for the Manila Council Scouting Center of BSP.