International experts on the Minnesota Protocol on the investigation of potentially unlawful death will be visiting the Philippines from February 6 to 9, 2023.
The experts are set to meet with government officials, members of law enforcement, academia, and civil society actors to strengthen their understanding of local capacities.
The team will also discuss a training program for strengthening investigations into potentially unlawful deaths in line with international best practices and standards.
“The Minnesota Protocol on the investigation of potentially unlawful death (2016) is today’s golden standard for the investigation and prevention of potentially unlawful deaths,” the United Nations (UN) said in a statement.
The UN also noted that the awareness and effective use and implementation of the Minnesota Protocol is “an effective way of ensuring that all cases of potentially unlawful deaths are effectively investigated, including for the prevention of extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions.
The team of experts consists of Dr. Morris Tidball-Binz, Dr. Stephen Cordner, and Atty. Kingsley Abbott. Dr. Morris Tidball-Binz The initiative is part of the United Nations Joint Programme on Human Rights and within the framework of the Human Rights Council resolution 45/33 on technical cooperation.