By Patrick Lim Fernandez
1926 Fire Tiger
(born 2/4/26 to 2/5/27)
1938 Earth Tiger
(born 2/4/38 to /5/39)
1950 Golden Tiger
(born 2/4/50 to 2/4/51)
1962 Water Tiger
(born 2/4/62 to 2/4/63)
1974 Wood Tiger
(born 2/4/74 to 2/4/75)
1986 Fire Tiger
(born 2/4/86 to 2/4/87)
1998 Earth Tiger
(born 2/4/98 to 2/4/99)
2010 Golden Tiger
(born 2/4/10 to 2/4/11)
2022 Water Tiger
(born 2/4/22 to 2/4/23)
Having the “Mischievous God Star” means that the Tiger should prioritize their physical and emotional state this year. This could manifest in illness as well as being embroiled in trivial arguments that may accidentally offend others and snowball into severe consequences. They should choose their words carefully and control their emotions. Try to keep a clear and calm mind at all times.
The Tiger would also not want the “Sickness Star” in their charts to be an issue. Possible health issues may arise this year or some will be a carry over from previous years. They should then be conscious of this and focus on their health and wellbeing.
Some of the health issues they may encounter may come from the psychological or emotional side. As long as they adopt a healthy lifestyle and address health issues as soon as they crop up and give themselves time to rest, then this shouldn’t be too worrisome.
It would be best for them to have a “Brass Longevity Peach” on their bedside table and in the appropriate sector of their home/bedroom.
The “Surpassing Path Star” denotes possible anxiety, impatience and always being on edge for Tigers this year. It is usually a pretty benign energy but if this is not addressed, this may lead to emotional and mental hardship further down the road. You may create monsters in your head that do not exist and may lead to unfounded fears and problems.
It will be best to do deep breathing (10 deep breaths of about 10 seconds each) when the feeling of being overwhelmed sets in. Talking to close confidantes such as friends and family should also ease some of this tension.
Elements Forecast
Wood Tiger
There will be opportunities to further your professional life/business, but there will also be uncertainties. Think things through so that you balance the short- and long-term benefits of your actions over the next year. Avoid making impulsive decisions as this may result in unwanted consequences. Adapt a healthy lifestyle and regimen and pay attention to your nutrition, exercise, sleep hygiene, and stress management.
Fire Tiger
Being bold is a good attitude to have this year, as you will achieve a lot by taking calculated risks. Be rational always and do your due diligence in your financial decisions. There will be challenges and stresses, so learn how to manage these and not become overburdened. Pay attention to your health, focusing especially on your respiratory system.
Earth Tiger
This is a good year to form and follow through on good habits. Since excellence is not an act but a habit, you are what you repeatedly do, so try to continually do actions that benefit your overall wellbeing and provide balance in your life. Avoid strenuous and risky activities this year, and take safety measures to avoid accidents. Spend time with friends and family to help ground you.
Golden Tiger
For the older ones, pay extra attention to your health with the presence of the sickness star. Go to regular checkups and get rid of bad habits that cause detriments to your health. For the younger ones, don’t put too much stress on yourself and take things in stride. Try to help others who need help, even if they don’t ask for it, and this will help provide you with positive Ch’i.
Water Tiger
The presence of a Prosperity Star allows you to pursue your dreams and passions and translate these into good wealth luck for you. Identify what you want to achieve and create an action plan. Exercise regularly so that you have the energy to pursue these endeavors and build a healthy social life at the same time. Don’t work too much though and strive for the right work life balance.
Monthly Guide
This table below gives an over- view of the monthly trend and how the Tigers will fare. The months with a ✓ means that it will be a pretty good and smooth month. The months with an ~ signifies an average luck month where some aspects will be okay but other aspects may encounter some obstacles. The months with a X signify that the luck is weak so it will be good to prepare and exercise extra caution. The start date of the months is also indicated.