On your 66th


Dear mom,

When people ask me to describe you, I am almost always stumped. Not because I do not know what to say, but because of your multi-faceted selfless ways. You are many things to many different people – the toughest, but most mentoring and loving teacher to your employees. A discerning, but most fiercely loyal friend to those privileged enough to be included in your small circle. The not-so-closeted animal lover – from dogs, to fish, to birds – whose soft spot is fueled most especially by the furry friends. You have the most generous and forgiving of hearts – one who walks her talk, and lives her faith. To me, you are simply mom, but to everyone, you are a blessing.

Anyone who has ever worked for you can attest to how demanding a boss you can be. But you get away with it, and instead, unleash everyone’s desires to please you, and strive for perfection because of how high your standards are for yourself as well. You expect a lot, but you give back so much more. You can be the toughest, and staunchest of critics, but you are also the fairest, and the fastest to forgive. You never forget, yet, you have the ability to smile at those who have wronged you. Your faith is unwavering, and it is what has gotten you through the toughest of times with so much tenacity, strength and gracefulness.

Few people know that your happiness lies in the smallest of things, and I have yet to find someone else in this world who truly cares for their nearest and dearest in the way that you do – animals included. You show us everyday what it means for charity to begin at home, and because of you, I am able to navigate this otherwise complex, and sometimes cruel world. In your many attempts to shield me, I found my strength, and in your tough love growing up, after all, lay my greatest of comforts.

You show me everyday that selflessness can only stem from putting, and loving yourself first. You remind me constantly that the only way to love is wholeheartedly. It is from, and through you, that I learned what it means to truly love, and because of you that I know how it is to be loved. And while I can only wish that my heart be half as big as yours, know that you will forever hold mine.

On your 66th birthday (and always), may you never forget how loved you are. To my guiding light, my moral conscience and compass; my most favorite to make kulit; my forever favorite (and most generous) shopping partner: there is no one else I would be DA (Dakilang Alalay) for. Cheers to many, many more blessed, prosperous, healthy and fruitful years ahead.
Happy, happy birthday, to the queen of our hearts!