How can I gain eternal life?



A woman was badly injured in an accident. A man came to the scene but had difficulty getting answers to his questions about her condition.

As the Good Samaritan helped her as best as he could, he called up an ambulance on his cell phone, saying, “A woman has been injured. She’s about 38 and appears to be in pain.” Whereupon the woman looked up angry and snapped: “Stupid, I’m 30!” This shows that it’s not easy to be a Good Samaritan.

The man in the above story exemplified the Good Samaritan about whom Christ extols in this 15th Sunday’s gospel (cf. Lk 10, 25-37).

The parable teaches that EVERYONE in need is our neighbor. It is not just the people we live with or live next door, a friend or a countryman.

It’s noteworthy that the Jews hated the Samaritans who regarded them as heretics, traitors, worthless scum incapable of doing good.

But in today’s gospel, Christ who was a Jew makes the hated Samaritan the hero which must have sounded outrageous to his countrymen, especially the religious leaders. What Christ highlights is: Love knows no boundaries of creed, color or social status.

“How can I be a neighbor? We can be a neighbor by reaching out to help those in need depending on the kind of help that’s required. An act of mercy could be non-material like a compliment or encouragement to someone who’s weighed down with a problem, consoling the sick and grieving family. What you can share may be summed up in the three Ts — time, treasure, talent.

For those in the government, being a good Samaritan could mean crafting laws and implementing projects that would improve the living condition of the people like providing more jobs and livelihood programs. Let’s remember that we as a nation are a developing country; there are millions living within the fringes of society (laylayan ng lipunan).

Doing charity is not easy. One time a lady came to me importuning for help because her young daughter was allegedly dying at the Philippine General Hospital. She needed money very badly or her daughter would die. I was moved by her plight and tearful persistence so I handed her quite an amount. Later I was told by neighbors that she was just making a story, that there was no dying child; that she was a con artist.

I felt so bad and consoled myself, saying, “If she was a con artist, let the money serve as a ‘talent fee!’”
Being charitable, even if you get duped, is more meritorious than being a close-fisted miser. Of course, we should not allow ourselves to be victimized by crooks and scammers.

Charity had always been the centerpiece of Jesus’ teachings. In the parable of the Last Judgment, Jesus as judge will say, “When I was hungry you gave me food; thirsty, you gave me to drink….. enter into the Kingdom of heaven” (Mt. 25, 31-46). In essence, this is consistent with his parable of the Good Samaritan.

Charity is not the only requirement though. There’s also the love of God through worship in the Holy Eucharist. However, in today’s parable, Jesus is putting emphasis on good works as exemplified by the compassionate Samaritan.

"Go then and DO likewise," Jesus concludes, stressing that ACTION is more important than words.

Indigent sick. Be a Good Samaritan. Help some indigent sick we’re supporting, like six-year-old leukemia patient Alison L., Rosanna C., M. Maranga, Jacky L.. Bildat V.

Contribute any amount to buy medicines and pay their medical treatments. Your help may heal these indigent sick for good.

For inquiry, e-mail me at: [email protected]