Resisting temptations, OFW Sunday



There's an amusing story about a young man who was constantly bedeviled by sensual thoughts. Feeling guilty, he consulted a priest-friend.

"Don't worry," the priest assured him, "these thoughts popped out in our minds. They're not sinful but only enticements. But the moment you start entertaining them, they become sinful. Did you entertain them?"
The young man paused, then sheepishly replied: "Well, I didn’t entertain them, Father, but they entertained me!"

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Temptations are not just incitement of the flesh, but also of injustice, cheating, stealing, backstabbing or murder. They are not sinful. It’s when we give in that they become immoral.
Even Jesus Christ was tempted but he overcame the devil’s lures as shown in today’s gospel.

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It’s election time again in the country. For sure there’ll be temptations and crooked dealings from unscrupulous politicians to win by hook or by crook, especially vote buying.
For voters here’s a wise advice--accept what they offer but you’re still free to vote for worthy political candidates who are God-fearing, have moral integrity, and not tainted with corruption.

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Today is NATIONAL MIGRANTS’ SUNDAY. It falls on the 1st Sunday of Lent which is timely and fitting because the theme of the gospel is about temptation.

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One serious family problem among Filipino migrants is caused by the long separation of married couples.
A spouse working abroad, for instance, can succumb to the temptation of infidelity. The spouse left behind can also fall to the same predicament.
One wonders if the dollars earned abroad are worth it when one’s family is in shambles. To paraphrase the Lord’s words: “What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but suffers the loss of his own family.”

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Today our attention is focused on millions of overseas Filipino workers (OFW) who have sought greener pastures abroad.
Besides their diligence and resilient religious faith, our migrant workers have immensely strengthened the country’s economy through their dollar remittances.

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However, they’re faced with a host of daunting problems. Not a few suffer maltreatment from cruel employers or become victims of sexual harassment and rape.
The painful repatriation of contract workers from war-torn countries like Ukraine and Russia and many Hongkong OFWs forced to return home or seek shelter along the pedestrian lanes and in public parks due to the highest upsurge of Covid-19 contamination are dramatic examples of so much distress and anguish.

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OFWs AS MISSIONARIES. Some years ago, a cabinet member of the government once related how he met an Italian minister at an international convention in Rome.
“So you are Filipinos!” he greeted. “I have a Filipina helper at home,” he said. As he tried to continue, he noticed the cabinet man and his Filipino companions were feeling uneasy, thinking he would report a bad news.

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“Signori, please…don’t get me wrong,” he countered. “I’d like to tell you that ever since that she has started working with us, our house has become very clean and orderly.
Besides, my children now go to church regularly because she brings them, and we the parents have to go to church, too, because our children prod us.
“ I tell you, she has done so much good for our family. I’m so happy we have her.”

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The above and similar stories illustrate how our Filipino migrant workers have been a positive influence on the families and parishes where they’re working abroad.
In this way, they are also modern-day missionaries.

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LENTEN CHARITY. The season of Lent calls us to do more acts of charity. One way is to assist needy seminarians under our "Adopt A Seminarian” scholarship program. Donate any amount or sponsor a seminarian's schooling good for one school year. For inquiry, e-mail me at: [email protected].

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FAMILY TV MASS--is aired on TV5 One Sport Channel 59, Free TV Ch. 41 at 6-7 a.m. every Sunday and 11 A.M. and 5 P.M. Sunday at “MCFI SVD Media” Account on YouTube and Facebook Page. Presider: FR. DONDION SORIANO, SVD.
“The FAMILY that prays together stays together.”