As the Catholic Church starts the observance of the nine-day “Simbang Gabi,” Legazpi Bishop Joel Baylon, chairman of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines-Episcopal Commission on Prison Pastoral Care, expressed support for the celebration of the votive masses as well as the Misa de Gallo on Christmas Eve for persons deprived of liberty (PDLs).

“This will depend on the wardens and prison officers if they will allow it. On our part, we would like to celebrate the Simbang Gabi for PDLs whenever a priest is available. We would like our brothers and sisters to be able to attend the Simbang Gabi even while in jail,” Bishop Baylon said over Radio Veritas.
Roman Catholics began the observance of the “Simbang Gabi” on Friday, Dec. 16, in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary and in preparation for Christmas. The nine-day votive masses will culminate on Dec. 24 with the Misa de Gallo.
More parishioners are able to attend the dawn masses this year instead of just joining online with the ease of Covif-19 restrictions while still observing the minimum health standards. Parishes under the jurisdiction of the Manila archdiocese, for example, require mass goers to still wear their face masks.