2,000 cops to secure Western Visayas for holidays

ILOILO CITY -- Police Regional Office (PRO-6) is deploying more than 2,000 cops to boost safety and security in Western Visayas region during the holiday season.

Two cops (lower left) are deployed outside the Jaro Metropolitan Cathedral in Iloilo City for the holiday season. (Tara Yap/File/Manila Bulletin)

Christmas season is the longest celebration in the Philippines. The traditional simbang gabi (pre-dawn Christmas masses) starts December 16 up to Christmas Eve on 24th of December.

“All unit commanders must intensify their security deployment in churches, as hundreds of people are expected to flock to these areas for the dawn masses,” said Brigadier General Leo Francisco, PRO-6 director.

Aside from churches, the cops will also be deployed in markets, shopping areas, airports, seaports, bus terminals, and other key areas in Aklan, Antique, Capiz, Guimaras, Iloilo, and Negros Occidental provinces as well as the highly urbanized cities of Iloilo and Bacolod until after New Year’s Day.

Francisco reiterated that the public must be extra cautious when leaving their homes to go to churches or gatherings with family and friends. It includes ensuring doors are locked and appliances are turned off.

“We are asking for the cooperation of the residents of the region to maintain peace and order,” said Francisco.

“It is not only the responsibility of the police, but also the people,” stressed Francisco.

Force multipliers such as barangay tanods (village watchers) are also to be tapped to augment the police force in certain areas.