Give love on Christmas



In a class on homiletics (preaching), the professor emphasized the importance of making the facial expression harmonize with the homily. “When you speak of heaven,” he said, “let your face light up with a heavenly gleam; let your eyes shine with glory. But when you speak of hell — your ordinary face will do.”

“Rejoice,” “be joyful,” (Gaudete) is the message of this 3rd Sunday of Advent. That’s why the liturgical color is pink.

With the birth of Christ, the Messiah, the Sunday tells us to be “joyful in hope” because the Messiah has already redeemed us when he came in that momentous first Christmas event.

In this Gaudete Sunday, Jesus is telling us, too, that our joyful Christmas should be translated into concrete acts of Christian love. When Jesus was asked by one of the followers of John the Baptist who was imprisoned by King Herod: “Are you the real Messiah?”

Jesus’ reply was: “Go back and report to John what you hear and see; the blind sees again, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life and the good news is proclaimed to the poor” (Mt 11, 4-5).

These are the tangible signs whereby people will recognize the true Messiah.

John the Baptist, the Messiah’s herald, was asked for guidance: “What must we do then?” (Lk 3,10).
In very concrete terms, he said, “Whoever has two shirts must give one to the man who has none, and whoever has food must share it.”

To the tax collectors: “Don’t collect more than what is legal.” To the soldiers: “No extortion; do not bully, no false charges. Be content with your pay” (read Lk 3,11).

These words were said more than 2,000 years ago, yet they’re happening during our time.

“Faith alone” in God is not enough. Faith should bear fruit in active works of love (Gal 5,6), justice, and moral living.

The outpouring of sympathy, solidarity, and help to the victims of typhoons like super-typhoon “Odette” is a clear manifestation of faith in action.

We should, however, manifest that Christian action is not just when there are calamities and at Christmas time but also in the little day-to-day acts.

There are numerous people today who don’t have the luxury of receiving Christmas bonuses, and 13th or 14th month pay. This is because they are not employed. Isn’t this why some who are desperate resort to stealing, hold-ups, facebook hackings?

Prayer: “Lord, let me be your follower not only in words but also in deeds, not only as church-goer but also a do-gooder. May this Advent season induce me to do the good things I have been postponing and neglecting. Amen.”

The lighter side. I’ve never realized how bad the economy was until I spoke to Santa Claus on the cellphone. During our chat, I asked: “Santa, how’s Rudolph, the reindeer?” He replied, “Delicious!”

There are four stages in a man’s life. First, when he believes in Santa Claus. Second, when he doesn’t believe in Santa Claus anymore. Third, when he is Santa Claus. Fourth, when he looks like Santa Claus.

Christmas sharing. In the spirit of love, let’s put that into practice by helping our seminarians and indigent sick we are supporting. Seminarians are our future priests and bishops. We cannot have them if we don’t support seminarians now. Also, let’s give joy to our indigent sick by our act of charity.

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