Strong partnerships vital to resolving regional issues --- PBBM

President Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr. highlighted the importance of establishing strong partnerships with other nations in resolving major geopolitical issues.

President Ferdinand 'Bongbong' Marcos Jr. and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese (Malacañang photo)

Marcos said this during his bilateral meeting with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese in Bangkok, Thailand, on Saturday, November 19.

In his remarks, the President said the Philippines would be in a better position to resolve pressing challenges amid tense regional geopolitical situations if it forges strong partnerships with like-minded nations.

He said working with other countries is important since no nation can resolve issues, such as conflicting territorial claims, by itself.

"The stronger and better the partnerships that we make, not only with ASEAN, but Australia, Japan, South Korea, and all the neighboring countries," Marcos told Albanese.

"The stronger our partnerships are, I think the better position we find ourselves in," he added.

In response, Prime Minister Albanese told President Marcos about the need to cooperate with China in resolving major issues, particularly the maritime dispute over portions of the West Philippine Sea.

Marcos was in Bangkok for four days for the 29th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders' Meeting.