The Department of Education (DepED) enjoined schools and its offices at the division and regional levels to support the celebration of National Indigenous Peoples (IP) Month this October by undertaking appropriate and relevant activities.

In the DepEd Order 97 series of 2022 signed by Undersecretary and Chief of Staff Epimaco Densing III, the agency outlined several activities in line with the observation of the National IP Month.
“As the primary government agency mandated to protect and promote the right of every Filipino learner to basic education, including the inculcation of values that promote recognition of the nation's cultural diversity, DepEd intends to substantially contribute to the objectives of the said observances through the extensive network of schools, field offices, and various learning programs,” the agency said.
Among the activities related to the celebration is holding dialogues with partner IP communities at the school, schools division, and/or regional level and participating in culturally appropriate activities aligned with the key messages discussed.
“In partnership with parents and community learning facilitators, conduct culturally appropriate psychosocial support sessions with learners that are appropriately integrated into lessons,” DepED said.
DepED said that schools may also celebrate IP Month through “discussions related to the theme that are integrated with lessons in the appropriate subject areas.”
Likewise, DepED noted that regional and schools division offices may also conduct advocacy activities involving the appropriate personnel to ensure continuous classes at the school level.
Hanging of streamers or banners in strategic places in the vicinity of DepEd offices as well as featuring the event and other IPEd-related activities on the website and other communications media of the ROs and SDOs, and schools are also allowed.
For the personnel, DepED said that it is “highly encouraged that the said observance be maximized as an opportunity to deepen their knowledge and understanding” of key DepEd policies on IPEd such as the IPEd Curriculum Framework, the implementation of the IPED Program, as well as the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the National Quincentennial celebration.
Meanwhile, DepED reminded that aII activities and initiatives related to the National IP Month celebration “shall adhere to both IP community and national protocols for well-being and safety.”
DepED also reiterated that the planning and conduct of activities are to be guided by its “Guidelines on the Conduct of Activities and Use of Materials Involving Aspects of Indigenous Peoples Culture” which are meant to guide the ethical assessment of the conduct of learning activities and related engagements of schools, DepEd offices and other education initiatives, which involve various aspects of Indigenous Peoples' culture.
Likewise, field offices and schools were also enjoined to “consult and collaborate with indigenous communit5r elders and other culture bearers as appropriate in the conduct of activities.”