BAYAMBANG, Pangasinan -- The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) in region 1 said that the main cause why Carlos P. Romulo Bridge in Barangay Wawa collapsed on Thursday (Oct. 20) was overloading.

Regional Director Ronnel M. Tan, citing a report from Pangasinan Fourth District Engineering Office (DEO) District Engineer Simplicio D. Gonzales, said that the two vehicles that were traversing the bridge at the time of collapse were both overloaded.
The 12-wheeler dump truck approximately weighs 63.3 tons while the 6-wheeler elf truck weighs approximately six tons.
The total weight of the two trucks -- the 12-wheeler loaded with sand and the elf laden with fertilizer – had a total weight of 69.3 tons, already too heavy for a bridge that had a capacity of only 20 tons.
Add the fact that the bridge which crosses Agno River, was almost eight-decades old. It was constructed in 1945.
Nevertheless, the bridge was structurally sound, according to director Tan.
"The condition of the bridge is fair, meaning there are no visible major defects," the regional director stressed.
For the safety of everyone, the maintenance crew of Pangasinan Fourth District Engineering Office immediately placed the necessary warning signs to inform the motorists and pedestrians plying the route.
A Bailey bridge -- a type of portable, pre-fabricated, truss bridge developed in 1940–1941 by the British for military use during the Second World War – will be installed in two weeks’ time to serve as temporary route.
In the meantime, all motorists are advised to use the Bayambang-San Carlos-Aguilar Road via Bocboc Bridge-Mangatarem, and vice versa as alternate route while the former Wawa Bridge is being repaired.
Motorists can also take Carmen Junction-Manat Road (National Road), take Bayambang-Bautista-Alcala-Sto. Tomas-Carmen, Rosales Road)/Manila North Road (Rosales-Tarlac), and vice versa.
For light vehicles, the alternate routes are the following: Bayambang-San Carlos-Urbiztondo-Mangatarem and vice versa; Bayambang-Bautista-Moncada-Camiling Road and vice versa; and M.H.Del Pilar, Bayambang-Urbiztondo-Mangatarem-Camiling Road and vice versa.
Meanwhile, Bayambang Mayor Niña Jose-Quiambao advised those who wish to use boat to abide by the following conditions: passengers should wear life vests, can only travel during the day (6 a.m. to 5 p.m.), No rain or strong water currents.
Children under the age of 12 are not allowed to ride.