Makati City Police ranks first in unit performance evaluation

The Southern Police District (SPD) recognized the Makati City Police on Monday, Oct. 10, for placing first among other police departments in terms of unit performance evaluation for the month of September.

The SPD said that the unit performance evaluation rating system is used by the Philippine National Police (PNP) to measure the efficiency of police departments.

It explained that Makati City Police has achieved a score of 92.78 percent for its implementation of PNP programs.

Makati City Mayor Abby Binay thanked the SPD and commended the local police force for their diligence in carrying out their functions.

As part of its mandate in keeping peace and order in the city, especially in curbing the proliferation of illegal drugs, the Makati Police announced the arrest of 22 suspected drug users in nine separate operations last week.

Eighty-six suspects were also nabbed in 23 separate operations from Oct. 3 to Oct. 9 for illegal gambling, while 14 people were served with arrest warrants. The police also apprehended 944 individuals for violating different city ordinances.

On Oct. 7, the Makati Police also arrested SPD's No. 6 Most Wanted Person (MWP) for the crimes of rape, acts of lasciviousness, and sexual assault, and illegal possession of firearms in an operation held in East Rembo.