K-pop star Rain denies having an affair with golf player; his wife Kim Tae-hee responds

K-pop star and actor Rain, 40, responded to online rumors that he is having an affair with a golf player, eliciting a response from his wife, actress Kim Tae-hee.

On Oct. 6, the blind item about an affair between a pop star and golf player was posted on online Korean communities.

(From left) Kim Tae-hee, Rain and Park Gyeol (Instagram)

The blind item stemmed from a post on website Women Sense back in February. The post stated that a pop star fell in love with a beautiful golfer. The star is loved by many people, regardless of age or gender, for his skills, as well as his friendly personality and quiet appearance, the website post stated.

His wife is described in the post “as a beautiful woman with intelligence that everyone knows.” The golf player is said to be “a talented golfer. She is like a hidden gem that steals the hearts of men with her sexy looks and body, and is called a 'rising star' among golfers.”

The rumor stated that the pop star and the golfer met at a charity golf tournament. They became friends and started playing golf together. Their relationship developed.

The post added that the golf player is friends with the pop star’s wife.

As the rumor spread, netizens speculated that the blind item was referring to Rain and his wife Kim Tae-hee, 42, and golf player Park Gyeol, 26.

Rain’s agency, Rain Company, issued a statement to deny the rumor.

"What's being said online is not true at all. We initially planned on remaining silent, because it was just not even worth mentioning the rumors ourselves," the agency said, SBS News reported.

It added, "However, we've now decided to take legal steps. We have our attorneys preparing to file a lawsuit at the moment."

Kim Tae-hee’s agency told Chosun media outlet, "The rumor (in question) is groundless. It’s a completely non-existent story so we don't have a position to tell you. Kim Tae-hee laughed out loud when she heard it for the first time."

Park Gyeol also commented on the rumor, saying, “It’s ridiculous. I only saw him a few years ago at a sponsorship event. I don't even know his number. Bad people. We don't look alike , but thank you for comparing us. I can't believe this is happening.”