The world is at its “eleventh hour” and everywhere you look, it is as if the earth has reached its breaking point with the Philippines bearing the brunt of climate change.
We live in precarious times and all efforts must now be done to address our country’s vulnerability before it’s too late. It would take a paradigm shift in the way all of us live, shop, eat, purchase, and enjoy the finite resources we currently have.
When we say “all of us,” it means the entire cycle—from decision makers, to manufacturers, consumers, waste handlers, down to the remanufacturers. And when we say “all efforts,” it must go “beyond green”—it is not enough to be environment-friendly in words and slogans as these are mere short-term solutions. “Beyond Green” is going a step further, a long-term investment in the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) aspects.
Looking into a company’s ESG is a complex process but it allows investors and stakeholders to measure sustainability efforts. Forbes has said, “businesses with proper and actionable ESG criteria have more sustainable practices, making them less likely to pursue short-term gains and more likely to succeed in the long run.”
To put it simply, these businesses have practices that help save the environment and address climate change, provide decent and equitable employment, promote a healthy workplace, and adhere to governmental standards with regards to regulatory compliance.
In the Philippines, companies are aware of the need to go "sustainable,” as seen in malls selling locally made products, restaurants offering plant-based cuisine, and developers building net zero-carbon structures. These are all positive developments, but we still have a long way to go. There are Filipino companies who have laid the groundwork for ESG compliance but they just comprise a tiny fraction. To create a dent, this has to be a movement. And to be a movement, we have to start taking the leap— the leap that goes “beyond green.”
Thus, “Beyond Green,” as a theme of the two-day forum (Nov. 23-24, 2022) is not only timely but relevant as well. Expect top companies and expert speakers who will talk about their efforts in going beyond green—how they will change for the better the way we live, work, play, eat, and buy.
Expect updates on speakers and the companies who will join the two-day virtual forum that is guaranteed to shake the industry in a good (and sustainable) way.
The highlight of the Sustainability Forum is a Recognition Night on Nov. 24 at the City of Dreams, where Manila Bulletin will honor programs and initiatives of companies and organizations that have gone beyond green and made our planet better than before.
For the latest updates, check the Environment section on the Manila Bulletin website.