Sarah Lahbati flaunts stretch marks in viral bikini photos

Sarah Lahbati may not be active as actress but she continues to serve fans via social media at least.

Just recently, the wife of Richard Gutierrez flaunted her curves posting bikini photos on Instagram.

She didn't bother to alter these to hide her flaws, including her stretch marks.

Sarah admitted it took her a while to accept it, deeming it her "biggest insecurity."

But she got tired of hiding it.

She has since learned "To love me fully. To fully accept me."

"I’ve always been ready to give all of me for my loved ones but never poured that same cup to myself," she added.

"Took me some time to realize that my stretch marks are my best tattoos. A reminder that I am a strong and resilient woman whose been through a lot but most importantly, I’ve given birth to my two dearest sons, Zion and Kai. My angels."

Sarah noted how she is "loved," understood," and "cherished" by her husband despite her supposed flaws and she couldn’t ask for anything more.

"This may sound dumb to you, but I just wanna let you know that you are enough and beautiful," she told her followers.

"I’m grateful to be alive, to be loved, messy, and to be fully myself," she added. "Wouldn’t have it any other way. Took awhile for me to get here. But here I am. Proud."

"Cheers to all of you, women."