The AY Foundation and its Trustees, along with the Yuchengco Group of Companies (YGC), express the following message in light of the 30th year of the National Discipline Awards.
The past year has been quite a challenge for the youth. The unpredictability of the times and the abrupt changes in their education, way of life, and mode of interacting with others have required these young Filipinos to become more tenacious, agile, and forward-thinking than the generations before them. Yet, instead of being discouraged and frustrated, the young role models we recognize today have chosen to accept and thrive in this new environment. They have chosen to push forward and shine their light on others so that they, too, can find the strength and the courage to flourish.

The AY Foundation and its Trustees, along with the Yuchengco Group of Companies (YGC), applaud these young role models for their determination, grit, and discipline to succeed despite the tumultuous times. It is through the National Discipline Awards (NDA), these young men and women will continue to find the will to scale mountains and serve as an inspiration to all.
The will to thrive
Trials and difficulties can either make or break a person. For this generation of young Filipinos though, the challenges they experienced the past few years have equipped them to weather this season of uncertainties.

Instead of cowering in fear or being disheartened, these young minds have found the will and the strength to ride the seemingly endless waves of this long pandemic.

In fact, the Filipino youth have evolved the past two and a half years; emerging stronger and more resilient than ever before. They easily accepted, adapted, and triumphed over the various situations that were thrown their way.

Now that the youth are trying to get life back on track, they are more determined to experience it at its fullest. Their infectious hope, optimism and determination are the reason why the AY Foundation’s National Discipline Awards (NDA) are saluting these young Filipinos today.

All of the National Discipline Awardees exemplify the character and the will that we, the Filipino nation, need to be able to thrive during this prolonged season of testing and pruning.
We put our confidence in this year’s Awardees, that they will remain steadfast in their quest to
flourish and prosper in the face of adversity for the benefit of their families, our communities,
and the nation.