Roel Degamo to become Negros Oriental governor - Comelec

Roel Degamo is set to become the new governor of Negros Oriental, following the resolution issued by the Commission on Elections (Comelec) En Banc affirming the decision of the Second Division to grant the petition to cancel the Certificate of Candidacy (COC) of a certain Grego Degamo.

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In the copy of the Order and Explanation of Votes issued by the En Banc, it mentioned that Grego is declared a nuisance candidate.

According to the resolution promulgated Sept. 1 provided by Comelec on Thursday, Sept. 29, votes that Grego garnered in the recent May 2022 elections will be counted in favor of Roel.

"(Roel) Degamo will become the elected governor," Comelec Chairman George Erwin Garcia said in a text message.

It can be recalled that on Oct. 7, 2021, Roel filed his COC as an official candidate of the Nacionalista Party for Governor of Negros Oriental for the upcoming May 2022 elections. Grego filed his COC for the same position as an independent candidate.

On Oct. 13, 2021, Roel filed a petition praying that the respondent be declared as a nuisance candidate. He asserted that the respondent filed his COC to confuse the choice and mind of the electorate in Negros Oriental in so far as the position of governor is concerned.

On Dec. 16, 2021, the Second Division promulgated the resolution granting Roel's petition. On Dec. 21, 2021, the respondent filed a Motion for Reconsideration. This was denied by the Comelec En Banc on Sept. 1.